Patch notes for Inferno
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.10
To be released on Friday, June 8, 2012
Fixes have been made for items not displaying in player's inventory
Fixed an issue where broken plastic wraps would cause the inventory not to load
Issues with input delays in the Mac client have been addressed
Fixed an issue where corp members with query roles only would end up with a hanging inventory window if a container was present within a division.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.9
To be released on Thursday, June 7, 2012.
Unified Inventory
Fixed an issue where the text typed into the quick filter search would not always correctly apply to the items in view.
Fixed an issue where the Est. price and item number count would not update when dragging across multiple windows.
Fixed an issue where a user could not move a group of items to a destination location by dropping on the items already there, if the destination already had an existing item of the type being moved.
Performance when moving, stacking or sorting a large number of items has been significantly improved.
Fixed an issue where the contents of a container within a plastic wrap could no longer be seen.
Fixed a problem where a message labelled Action Failed when storing ships in space could cause the client to freeze or become unresponsive.
Fixed an issue where broken plastic wraps would cause the Inventory not to load.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.8
To be released on Tuesday, June 5, 2012.
User Interface
Fixed an error that caused a delay while opening the "Jump To" and "Bridge To" right-click menu options.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.7
To be released on Monday, June 4, 2012.
User Interface
Undocking with collapsed overview no longer breaks the overview.
Chat: Link detection has been improved for links containing special characters.
It is no longer possible to gag yourself by sending a very long /me emote over to the server (unless you‘re hacking the client. Don‘t hack the client kids!)
Localized clients with certain language settings should no longer prepend the system name onto the Stations name in the Station Management window. This, unnoticed, prevented any changes to be made as the server decided a name change was occurring when it wasn‘t and a name conflict error would be raised on any attempts to change other settings.
The in-client petition creation system is now better localized when petitioning agent missions or reimbursement cases.
UI pointers which display during tutorials on window tabs (such as the agent tab in the station window) will now display in localized clients.
The description of the Harpy is now showing the correct boni on the German client.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.6 Client Update #1
To be released on Friday, June 1, 2012.
Unified Inventory
Audit Log Secure Containers are now accessible within the Corporate Hangars.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.6
To be released on Friday, June 1, 2012.
Unified Inventory
Shortcuts to open Inventory locations will now open those locations in a new separate window.
The text color in the tree index view of the Unified Inventory is now the same as in other places in the EVE UI, making it more readable when the Inventory is pinned or something other than the default color.
Items, Ships, Corporation Divisions and Delivery Inventory windows will now remain open in a station if the user leaves them open when undocking and redocking.
Shift click will now focus on or toggle open/closed other windows.
POS structures are now grouped into one of four categories in the Unified Inventory tree view: “Defenses”, “Industry”, Storage” and “Infrastructure”.
Fixed an issue where users could not see items in their items or ships hangar.
User Interface
Fixed an issue where fittings with items that no longer exist in game would not load correctly.
Fixed an issue where certain players could not open the Science & Industry window in some stations.
Fixed an issue where the corporation hangar in the inventory would work incorrectly if there was a secure container in a division and character did not have take rights to the division.
You can now stack packaged drones within a full drone bay while docked.
Ships and Modules
The shield boost bonus of Golem and Vargur marauders was not applying correctly; this has been fixed.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.5
To be released on Thursday, May 31, 2012.
Factional Warfare
Dropped modules are no longer taken into account when calculating Loyalty Points for Factional Warfare kills.
Character Creator
Fixed an issue with the History slider which caused characters to appear with incorrect clothing or skin colors applied.
Resolved an issue with the Russian client which prevented character selection under certain conditions.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.4
To be released on Wednesday, May 30, 2012.
Unified Inventory
Fixed an issue where inventory window would lock up if a player would assemble ships too rapidly.
Ship and POS corp hangars now remember which division was open when accessing them through right-click menus.
User Interface
It is now possible to drag a system name from an agent conversation to a chat window.
Ancillary Shield Boosters are now affected by the same bonuses and penalties as other shield boosters.
War Declaration
Fixed a bug that caused allies not to be added to wars.
Planetary Interaction
Command centers can now, once again, be deployed in Factional Warfare systems.
Fixed an issue that would cause the runway lights on the Abaddon to render on top of the ship's hull.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.3
To be released on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.
Unified Inventory
Fixed an issue where actions would fail if more than two cargoholds are opened.
Added a venue to recover impounded items if the corporation office has been removed.
Improved performance when handling large amounts of items.
Improved performance when working with starbases.
Added alphabetical sorting of containers.
Fixed an issue where open windows would still display as “active ship” if they remained open while changing ships.
Added your active ship to the “ship hangar” inventory.
Added the same functionality to containers in space as wrecks in space. They should now function the same.
User Interface
Fixed an issue where clicking too fast on the dock/jump button would break the action.
Fixed an issue where the autopilot fails to dock, but sits in close proximity to the station.
Improved performance when opening war reports with a high volume of data.
Improved performance when opening kill reports with a high volume of data.
Moved Crow and Malediction into their proper category in the reports.
Changed the display priority of the icons: "Has ally" will always trump the other options.
Added a timer to show you when a war is officially over.
Corporation taxation rate displays in its proper decimalized form in the corporation info window.
Searching for names constructed entirely of hyphens will work without error.
Frogholing™ autolinks in chat works again as it used to. Any edits done to autolinked text after it has been autolinked will be retained and no translation or auto-completion will happen on receiving clients.
Auto-completed station links will no longer complete to the stations actual name. Instead they will complete, and translate, to: "Station: OrbitName" e.g. Station: Amarr VIII (Oris).
The auto-complete feature is now proper tag so any previously saved texts are not affected as they do not have the tag. This tag is only respected by the chat.
Corporation medal creation was broken in some localized clients. This is now fixed.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.2
To be released on Thursday, May 24, 2012.
User Interface
Locked BPOs will now display correctly, i.e. be dimmed out compared to unlocked BPOs.
All Player Owner Structures can be renamed via the right click and Set Name function.
Dragging items to Inventory headers when they are stacked with other windows will now move items into those locations correctly.
War Reports
Double clicking to show info on a module in Kill Reports will now show you the correct information.
Allies will now have correct status in the allied list, instead of having "Can fight at {time}" for an extra day.
You can now drag War Reports to share. Players can make a list in Notepad of wars you like to follow and you can share them in chat with your friends (or enemies).
Decimal places have been removed from ISK value in War Reports to make the UI less cluttered.
Copying kill reports generated after Inferno now gives you information compatible with kill reports pre Inferno.
The German translations for the Inferno release are now included in the client.
Allies are now notified when they join a war.
Updated manufacture stats for Drone Damage Amplifier II and [Small/Medium/Large] Processor Overclocking Unit II.
Fixed floating point inaccuracies which were calculating distances to bookmarks when generating menu options. This was causing problems when trying to warp to bookmarks more than 150 km away.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.1
To be released on Wednesday, May 23, 2012.
Character Creator
A texture issue that occurred on female avatar’s ankles has been fixed.
A texture issue that occurred on female avatar’s necks has been fixed.
EVE Voice, Mail & Chat
Fixed a problem where players didn't correctly leave chat channels, leading to server-side performance problems.
Factional Warfare
Corrected the wording in the Notification text when capturing Factional Warfare complexes.
When securing a capture point in Factional Warfare the text will no longer remain on screen and will behave normally.
The Eris has had its legacy missile launcher geometry removed so that all 8 of the new missile launchers are now visible
When unable to leave a corporation due to having corp roles, the message stating that you are unable to leave will be properly translated.
The Japanese translations for the Inferno release are now included in the client.
Modules & Skills
Description text for the Ancillary Shield Boosters got updated.
The Target Breaker skill book got seeded and is now available.
Modules will no longer take minor damage unexpectedly when your ship is being damaged.
Science & Industry
Blueprints for Valkyrie SW-600 and Warrior SW-300 web drones got seeded.
Light Defender Missile blueprint got seeded.
Drone Damage Amplifier I and [Small/Medium/Large] Processor Overclocking Unit I can now be invented to get Tech II versions.
Unified Inventory
Fixed an issue where the new Unified Inventory would reopen every time a character jumped, docked, undocked or otherwise performed a session change.
Inventory window locations that are still accessible between docking and undocking will now remain open. For example a ships Drone Bay, if opened in a separate window.
Fixed an issue where players could not edit their Smart Filters.
Fixed an issue where Corporation hangars would not load correctly.
Attempting to move mixed groups of items into hangar locations that can only accept a specific item type, will now transfer the items allowed.
User Interface
Fixed an issue where icons would remain on the Neocom even though the window had been closed.
Kill Reports now say Unknown when we don’t know ISK value, instead of 0.00 ISK.
Various UI scaling changes were made to better display Asian fonts.
Double linebreaks should work again in multi-line input fields.
Fixed an issue where "Approach" and "Jump" functions were not functioning when orbiting or keeping an object at range.
Resolved an issue when using the strip fitting option in the fitting window.
Patch notes for EVE Online Launcher 1.320
To be released on Wednesday, May 23, 2012.
Fixed issues with patching on slow internet connections.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno
To be released on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
War Declaration
The war declaration system has been completely overhauled and now adds a new dynamic to how wars are won and lost. Full details are available in the Dev Blogs, 'Changes to War Mechanics' and 'War, Modules and Super Friends'.
Wars are now declared by the CEO or a Director and not through the voting system.
The war declaration cost is determined by corporation size and the amount of active wars the aggressor has currently. Previously it counted defender wars. Price starts at 50 million.
Several loopholes for evading wars have been closed:
If you leave a corporation while the war is on, you cannot re-join until the war is over or 7 days have passed. This does not apply to mutual wars.
War shedding is no longer possible. Corporations that are at war will continue to be so, regardless of joining or leaving alliances.
All wars are now public:
You can view a report of all wars currently active and see how both sides are doing.
Mercenaries can offer their assistance, at a price, to the defending corporation or alliance.
Both parties can offer “surrender terms” and attach a price tag if you are a CEO or Director.
All wars will now have a war report:
As mentioned this will be public and available to everyone.
Contains all kills and losses in date order.
Contains a headline showing the total amount of damage inflicted.
A Graph is available so you can view wars by ship class.
Defenders in wars can get help from other corporations or alliances.
Defenders can flag themselves as seeking aid.
As stated above, any corporation or alliance can send a formal offer to ally with the defender for a particular war.
The ally counts as being in war against aggressor and is included in the war report on the defender’s side.
Kill mails will now be known as kill reports. More details on these changes are available in the Dev Blog, 'Spaceship Murder Notifications':
Updated to have a nice look and feel.
Visually displays the victims fittings with an option to save it.
Shows the total amount of money lost by the other player.
They can now be dragged into chat and mails.
Brand new modules and ammunition have been added to enhance player choice when fitting a ship. Further details of all new modules can be found in the Dev Blog, 'War, Modules and Super Friends'.
The Reactive Armor Hardener : A low slot module that adjusts resists according to incoming damage. You can only fit one, but it lets you fight lazy!
Drone Damage Amplifier: A low slot, drone damage module which allows your drones do more damage, much in the same way that Gyrostabilizers or Heat Sinks work.
Ancillary Shield Boosters: A mid slot active tanking shield module which lets you boost a lot of shield but at a massive need. Requires charges to operate and comes in small, medium large and X-Large.
Target Spectrum Breaker: A mid slot module that has a chance of breaking the lock of ships that are targeting you. Downsides is that you have a reduced scan res and it breaks your lock when going off.
Light and Medium Web Drones: Light and medium versions of the stasis webifying drones we already have.
Cap Battery Changes: All capacitor batteries provide an inherent defense against Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizers. A portion drained is reflected back on the aggressor.
Defender Missiles: Defender missiles have now been split into size categories light and heavy.
Overclocking Processor Units: A rig that increases your CPU, but at the cost of shield recharge rate.
New missile launchers and launch effects are released with Inferno and add a new level of immersion to EVE Online. Missiles will now swarm to targets from brand new launchers equipped to ships. You can see a video of the new effects by clicking this link. The new launchers are:
Bomb Launcher
Citadel Torpedo Launcher
Citadel Cruise Missile Launcher
Torpedo Launcher
Cruise Missile Launcher
Heavy Missile Launcher
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Light Missile Launcher
Brand new effects have been added for all:
Missile Muzzle effects.
Missile Trails.
Missile Explosions.
Improved distribution of damage locators.
Brand new Stealth Bomber models have been added for the:
The transformation of Amarr ships has been completed and will now appear in V3 format for all of the following ships.
Battle Cruiser
Please note that the Minmatar V3 is still in progress and will be released in the very near future.
Character Creator and New Player Experience
The skin color options in the character creator and re-customization have been changed so the color of your skin is no longer constrained by the bloodline of your avatar. All bloodlines now have a broad range of distinct skin tones ranging from pale to dark.
As skin tone can only be chosen when creating a new character or resculpting, all existing characters on TQ have been given one free resculpt.
Bloodline hair-color restrictions have been lifted in the character creator and re-customization.
Inferno will be the first-step taken into removing the Tier system out of ship classes; please refer to the Dev Blog, 'Rebalancing EVE, one ship at a time' for more details.
The first batch of changes affect the Tormentor, Punisher, Merlin, Incursus and Rifter frigates:
Tormentor: role changed from mining to combat ship
New bonuses: 5% to small energy turret damage and 10% reduction to small energy weapon capacitor use per level.
Slot layout: 3 High, 3 Mid, 4 Low; 2 turrets and no launchers.
Fittings: 49 PWG, 130 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 450 / 400
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 400 / 200 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 320 / 3.05 / 1180000 / 3.37 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 40km / 620 / 4
Sensor strength: 9 Radar
Signature radius: 35
Punisher: improved role as close range brawler
New bonuses: 5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage and 5% bonus to armor resistances per skill level.
Slot layout: 4 High, 2 Mid, 4 Low; 3 turrets and no launchers
Fittings: 55 PWG, 124 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 500 / 450
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 425 / 212.5 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 330 / 3.35 / 1047000 / 3.28 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 25km / 640 / 4
Sensor strength: 9 Radar
Signature radius: 37
Merlin: changed role from sniper to close range brawler.Warning: due to the high-slot and launcher hard point removal on the Merlin, we highly recommend players to dock in a safe place or swap ships before release date.
New bonuses: 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage and 5% to shield resistances per level.
Slot layout: 3 High, 4 Mid, 3 Low; 3 turrets and no launchers.
Fittings: 40 PWG, 180 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 500 / 350 / 400
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 350 / 175 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.6 / 997000 / 3.36 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km / 580 / 5
Sensor strength: 11 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 39
Incursus: improved role as close range brawler.
New bonuses: 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage and 10% bonus to armor repairer effectiveness per level.
Slot layout: 3 High, 3 Mid, 4 Low; 3 turrets and no launchers.
Fittings: 45 PWG, 135 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 400 / 450 / 500
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 370 / 185 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 340 / 3.15 / 1028000 / 3.0 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 30km / 600 / 4
Sensor strength: 9 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 42
Rifter: role and bonuses unchanged
Unchanged Slot layout: 4 High, 3 Mid, 3 Low; 3 turrets and 2 launchers.
Unchanged fittings: 37 PWG, 125 CPU.
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 450 / 400 / 350
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 250 / 125 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 355 / 3.19 / 1067000 / 3.19 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 22.5km / 660 / 4
Sensor strength: 8 Ladar
Signature radius: 35
Factional Warfare
A substantial overhaul has been made to Factional Warfare and full details can be found in the Dev Blog, 'Factional Warfare Overhaul'.
Name Standardization:
The metric which determined control over Factional Warfare systems, Occupancy, has been replaced with Sovereignty for clarity purposes.
Factional Warfare Control Bunkers have been replaced by Infrastructure Hubs. This change mainly is cosmetic as no attribute has been altered except for signature radius, which has been increased to 4000.
The World Map Control Panel filters for Factional Warfare have been reworked. The “Occupancy” tab has been removed, simplified filters are now available under the “Sovereignty > Factional Warfare” tab.
Factional Warfare Page
The Factional Warfare page has been significantly improved to include the following:
Information delivery has been clarified by splitting data over three tabs: “War Zone Control”, “Statistics” and “Rules of Engagement”
War Zone Control display war information for Factions as a whole, lists gained bonuses, displays upgraded systems, shows a Star Map with contested and vulnerable areas. See “War Zone Control” paragraph below for more information.
The Statistic page display personal, corporation and militia wide data regarding Factional Warfare performance.
The Rules of Engagement tab explains basic mechanics of Factional Warfare regarding territorial contest, upgrade process, combat and reward mechanics as well as consequences for joining.
Station deny docking
All stations located in enemy Factional Warfare systems will now deny docking to the opposing militias. Neutrals are not affected by this change and can still dock anywhere they please.
All stations located in enemy Factional Warfare systems will now deny service use to enemy pilots that managed to dock before Sovereignty switched hand. Neutrals are not affected.
Upgrading Solar systems
It is now possible to upgrade a solar system owned by your own faction by spending Factional Warfare Loyalty Points (LPs) into the respective Infrastructure Hub.
Donating LPs is done in close proximity of the Infrastructure Hub (closer than 2500 meters) and is taken from the respective Factional Warfare Militia Corporations 24th Imperial Crusade, State Protectorate, Federal Defense Union and Tribal Liberation Force.
Upgrading a Factional Warfare system gives system-wide bonuses to the faction that owns it and neutrals:
Level 1 requires 10,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 1 additional slot, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 10%, medical clone costs are reduced by 10%
Level 2 requires 25,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 2 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 20%, medical clone costs are reduced by 20%
Level 3 requires 45,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 3 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 30%, medical clone costs are reduced by 30%
Level 4 requires 70,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 4 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 40%, medical clone costs are reduced by 40%
Level 5 requires 100,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 5 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 50%, medical clone costs are reduced by 50%
After level 5 is a buffer that does not give any bonuses, but prevents the system losing upgrades directly when fully maxed. See “Capturing Payout” paragraph for more information.
Additional station slots are only added if they exist before the upgrade. New slots are not created if the station didn’t have it in the first place. Example: a station that had copy and manufacturing slots before an upgrade will receive one additional slots in these two areas, but will not receive any ME or PE slots.
It is not possible to gain an infinite amount of additional slots by repeatedly upgrading, then downgrading the system: additional lines being used will stay booked by their initial owner until the job expires. That means an opposing faction may have to wait for the previous job owner to relinquish his line before having access to it.
Medical clone costs do not apply to Jump Clones.
War Zone Control
Holding and upgrading Factional Warfare systems now have an impact in a faction success as a whole. Number of systems and upgrades hold in the same War Zone (Amarr/Minmatar or Caldari/Gallente War zones respectively) are counted as part of points, then used to unlock War Zone Control tiers:
War Zone Control Tier 1 – between 0 and 20% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are multiplied by four next to their pre-Inferno numbers.
War Zone Control Tier 2 – between 20% and 40% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are multiplied by two next to their pre-Inferno numbers, the faction receives 5% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
War Zone Control Tier 3 – between 40% and 60% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are the same as pre-Inferno, the faction receives 10% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
War Zone Control Tier 4 – between 60% and 80% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are twice as cheap as their pre-Inferno numbers, the faction receives 15% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
War Zone Control Tier 5 – between 80% and 100% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are four times as cheap as their pre-Inferno numbers, the faction receives 20% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
War Zone Control bonuses are applied to all the respective faction members no matter where they are – neutrals and enemies are not affected.
War Zone Control only affects ISK and LPs requirements on their respective faction LP store offers.
War Zone Control only affects the respective Factional Warfare Militia Corporations (24th Imperial Crusade, State Protectorate, Federal Defense Union and Tribal Liberation Force). Other corporations are not affected by such a change.
Capturing payout
Factional Warfare sites now give Loyalty Points when captured:
Minor sites: 10,000 LPs
Standard sites: 17,500 LPs
Major sites: 25,000 LPs
Major Stronghold or Major Compound sites: 30,000 LPs
Infrastructure Hubs: 40,000 LPs
All LP gains are split among all eligible members. Example: Two Amarr enlisted players capturing a Minmatar or Gallente Minor site would only receive 5,000 LPs for the 24th Imperial Crusade each.
All LP gains are also split toward allied factions. Example: one Amarr and one Caldari enlisted players capturing the same Minmatar or Gallente Minor site would still receive 5,000 LPs each – for their 24th Imperial Crusade and State Protectorate corporations respectively.
Cloaked or pilots in pods or shuttles will not receive any payout.
Only attacking enemy sites will yield LPs – defending will not. Example: one Amarr enlisted pilot defending an Amarr site will not receive anything. The same Amarr pilot capturing a Minmatar site will be normally paid.
Capturing LPs through Factional Warfare sites will cause the enemy Infrastructure Hub in the same solar system to lose half of the gained LP amount. Example: An Amarr enlisted pilot receiving 10,000 LPs for capturing a Minmatar Minor site in Amamake will cause the Infrastructure Hub there to lose 5,000 LPs, possibly causing it to lose an upgrade level.
Factional Warfare sites now give 20 Victory Points instead of 100 – this was done to increase solar system capture time significantly and reduce likelihood for a Factional Warfare pilot to be stranded in a station that switched loyalty while he was away.
LPs for kills
Destroying enemy player ships will give LPs to the player giving the final blow.
Exact formula is: [Given LP] = ([Market value of target ship] - [Max. Insurance market value] + [Fitted mods, rigs and subsystem market value] + [Transported items market value]) / 10000.
Please note insurance is always counted at its maximum value no matter what the insurance value on the destroyed ship actually is to discourage farming.
If the player giving the killing blow belongs to a fleet, LPs will be split to all friendly faction members in the grid. Example: a fleet of 2x Gallente Federation and 2x Minmatar Republic members destroy a target enlisted in the Caldari State worth 4000 LPs. No matter who had the killing blow, each Federation pilot will receive 1000 LP for the Federal Defense Union, while each Minmatar capsuleer will gain 1000 LP for the Tribal Liberation Force.
Standing requirements
Required faction standings to join Factional Warfare have been lowered from 0.5 to 0.0. Please note that players having negative standings will still be kicked out of their respective faction as usual.
The Advanced Military Career Path tutorial has been adjusted in consequence – the final mission now gives the Rapid Firing skill book instead of a Letter of Recommendation.
Research agents and datacore changes
Datacore offers have been added to Factional Warfare Militia Corporations (250 LP and 250,000 ISK for a package of 5):
24th Imperial Crusade: Amarrian Starship Engineering, High Energy Physics, Laser Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Nanite Engineering.
State Protectorate: Caldari Starship Engineering, Graviton Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Quantum Physics, Rocket Science.
Federal Defense Union: Electromagnetic Physics, Electronic Engineering, Gallentean Starship Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Plasma Physics.
Tribal Liberal Force: Hydromagnetic Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Minmatar Starship Engineering, Molecular Engineering, Nuclear Physics.
Please remember all above prices are affected by War Zone Control LP Store multipliers.
Field multipliers for all research categories have been removed (this affects Research Point per day). Besides, all Research Points requirements to claim one Datacore have been increased from 50 to 100.
Each datacore will now require 10,000 ISK to claim on top of the 100 Research Points
Research Point amounts will not be adjusted in any shape or form with Inferno release.
Unified Inventory
An Index tree has been added into the Inventory window showing all accessible inventories within stations while docked and within ships while in space. Full details are available in the Dev Blog, 'Unified Inventory'.
Client inventory performance has been enhanced greatly making it possible to work with hundreds of items without serious framerate drop.
New look and feel for inventory items.
Cut and paste shortcuts implemented for inventory items.
Assembled containers will now appear as part of the new index tree.
A new capacity meter has been added to the inventory window which gives instant feedback on capacity changes before items are moved between locations.
A new Smart filter system has been added to the Inventory window that allows players to filter items by various means and save the filters for later use.
All inventory items now have estimated market price displayed for individual items through tooltip as well as showing combined market price on all selected items in the lower bar of the inventory.
Market deliveries now appear as an independent entry in the index view of the Inventory, regardless of whether an office has been rented in the station.
POS inventory locations are now automatically appended to the inventory tree index when the structures are within your current grid.
Starbases, Outposts and Stations
Unanchoring an assembly array that has active jobs in its assembly lines now warns the player that the jobs will be aborted and materials lost.
Science and Industry
When using quick running compression jobs from a Rorqual, the completed job would sometimes not show up for 5 minutes in the Science & Industry window. It will now show up within one minute at most.
Market and Contracts
Market tax has been increased from 1% to 1.5% as a part of our initiative to keep the EVE economy healthy.
Fixed some minor spelling errors in the description in several Science skills.
References to Siege Missile Launchers have now been updated to refer to Torpedo Launchers in Stealth Bomber descriptions.
A small white square that glowed when looking at Celestis variants while rotating the camera will no longer show.
Turret locators on the Nighthawk are now located correctly.
The Nighthawk now has the Caldari booster glow.
User Interface
User created groups on the Neocom can now be renamed and given a two letter abbreviation so that it is easier to distinguish between custom groups.
Clients viewing autolink items and solar systems will see the name translated into their client language if supported.
The image in the "Show Info" window can now be dragged and dropped in chat to create a link to the type or item that is being viewed in the info window. Character portraits can also be dragged to Contacts to add the character as a contact, and item images can be dragged into the market quickbar to add the type to the quickbar.
The "Jump To" right-click menu has been changed so it behaves like the "Bridge To" menu. That is, if there are more than 20 alliance beacons they will be divided into submenus with 20 beacons each.
CONCORD and Kill Reports
To avoid confusion, Capsules with a Global Criminal Countdown will no longer appear as a red target on your overview. This is reverting to pre-Escalation behaviour.
Detail texture map missing from the Nomad has been restored.
If a player logs back in whilst his ship is still in space at a 1-million-km emergency-warp point, their ship will now be vulnerable to warp disruption bubbles at this location as it attempts to e-warp back to its original position.
You will now be informed that you have lost connection with EVE instead of abruptly shutting down the client.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
Items in Silos will no longer freeze during shuffling and moving.
Mining drones will once again play their full animation and effect cycle.
The turret shader preset has been fixed for the Cynabal. Turrets fitted to this ship will now appear correctly.
An issue with the gate activation audio sfx occasionally not playing has been fixed.
The energy vampire effects will now play sound when used.
An issue with Vivox that could crash the client has been fixed.
Resolved a problem where the volume of turrets would not change based on the distance of your camera.
An issue with the ambient audio in the station hangars has been fixed.
Resolved an issue in the mixer structure that caused low volume on ship effects such as the vampire module.
Resolved a geometry hole that would appear on the lowest LOD setting for the Lachesis ship.
The Echelon has been V3'd which fixes 3 broken decals on the ship hull.
Science and Industry
Fixed an issue where BPCs invented with decryptors would sometimes have one less production run than they should have.
Show info windows for blueprint copies stored within containers will now show accurate data.
The Captains Quarters screen will now rotate between screens as intended.
An issue where numbers where incorrectly formatted when using regional settings where space was the thousand separator has been fixed.
Market & Contracts
You are now able to find contracts issued by characters where the subject name is a subset of another entity´s name.
Fixed a case where multiple tractor beams could sometimes be engaged on the same container or wreck.
The Dual Modal Giga Pulse Laser I will now correctly have the benefits of 'Turning on Overload' applied to it. The increase in damage is correctly updated in the fitting window.
The Triage II Module now has the correct effect associated with it when activated.
Boosters and Implants
'Gunslinger' Small Projectile Turret implants now conform to the new naming convention.
Weapons & Ammunition
Descriptions have been updated for Conflagration Laser Crystals, Tremor and Quake artillery charges.
When their intended target dies before they get there, missiles will no longer move in an erratic manner.
Exploration & Deadspace
The green centroid lines between probes are now displayed correctly if the player has jumped between systems without closing the map.
Reconnecting to lost probes when travelling through wormholes will now be more consistent and stable.
Wrecks of NPCs are now properly identified and are no longer just numeric ID's.
Corporation & Alliance
All other pending corp applications are now properly removed when you join a new corporation.
Agents & Missions
Tidied up several misleading escalating path messages in missions.
Sometimes the client would lockup on trying to remove offered missions. This no longer happens.
EVE Voice, Mail & Chat
Mails received for reimbursement will be properly formatted.
User Interface
The link detection in chat has been improved (unicode support, multiple links in one line).
Fixed a small UI error which showed that a sole Wing Commander was entitled to a fleet boost when this was not actually the case.
On the map screen, Militia Ships Destroyed in the Last Hour now update the number correctly. Previously it always displayed 1.
The non-functional "Set Name" option has been removed from the contextual menu when right clicking the station name of an asset location. Stations cannot be renamed.
The People & Places contacts divider will now remember its position as set by the player.
An issue with the 'Use Active Overview Settings' checkbox in the Scanner UI has been fixed.
Agent portraits can now be seen with clients at 125% UI scaling.
When placing a Buy Order, the quantity for the item will again have separators and no decimal places.
The Jukebox window will no longer expand during a session change, such as docking or undocking, if it was previously collapsed.
When sorting by value for the standings transaction window, values are now sorted numerically instead of alphabetically.
An issue with the sorting of Log entry times around midnight has been fixed.
Fixed the text spacing in the "Accept Quote?" window for Manufacturing, so that text is no longer overlapped by UI elements.
Tooltip requiring the user to train additional levels in "Interplanetary Consolidation" will now display correctly when no more command centers can be placed on a planet.
Fixed an issue where Dominant Sovereignty Holder names longer than 39 characters would overlap the Kills in the last 24H label in the Sovereignty window. The names will now instead be clipped if the window is too small.
The notepad will now save changes if it has been closed via the shortcut key.
Fixed an issue where Station waypoints were being changed to System waypoints when cancelling Waypoint optimization and closing the map.
It is possible again to use the "arrow up" key to select items in the overview after a session change when the overview is in focus.
The Corporation icon can now correctly be removed from the Neocom. Fixed an issue where it would be added after removal on client restart.
Ship names in the fitting management window will no longer be fully capitalized.
The mysterious and enigmatic 'c' before the icon in the Redeem Items window, has disappeared into the cold, dark night.
Searching for Aura in People & Places will now only return the user’s starting Aura agent.
Having bilingual tooltips enabled will no longer insert additional tags into copied kill reports.
The Abaddon boosters length are now equal.
The boosters on the Retribution now fit snugly into the engine exhaust.
Resolved an issue with the infested Dominix drone, all of the animated legs will now display and animate correctly.
The fourth turret hard point no longer intersects with the top wing on the Vengeance model.
A texture seam in the Pulsar Nebulae has been fixed.
The booster trail on the Executioner no longer intersects with the exhaust geometry.
The turret locators on the drake have been repositioned onto the ships hull.
Resolved an issue where the Dismantler Alvior drone would not have animated shadows.
All Caldari industrials now have the shadow effects restored.
The animated cockroach model on infested rocks will no longer corrupt and show up on your ship.
The tech2 ORE ships have had their red lights restored.
Resolved locator issues for a large majority of NPC models using the Velator hull.
The EoM 'Death Knight' NPC now uses the updated V3 Maller with the appropriate EOM skin.
Fixed a texture seam on all mining barges.
The Dominix turret locators are mirrored once again.
Resolved turret locator issues with the NPC Ibis models.
Fixed the booster locators for the Arbitrator so they are closer to the ships geometry.
The Mordus frigate is now using the correct skin.
Fixed the booster locators on the Retriever hull.
Resolved locator issues on the following ship hulls: Nighthawk, Vulture, Ferox, Drake, and Widow.
Re-added the blinking lights to the Mordus Frigate.
Resolved an issue with the Strip Miner undeploy animation, the turrets will no longer bob up and down.
Resolved a legacy issue where effects would linger in the scene if your client was minimized for an extended period.
Increased the Nebula resolution quality on select systems.
Removed additional thrusters from the Einherji Fighter.
Drone Fighters now preview correctly.
The booster glow areas have been added to the Naga.
Resolved a locator issue with the Concord SWAT frigate.
Autolinking now auto-completes on the client side as well as translating to the clients language.
Nightstalker goggles now properly displayed when client is set to Japanese text.
Resolved an issue where the Mega Pulse Laser firing sound could not be heard from certain camera perspectives.
When opening Personal Assets->Constellation, if you have no assets the message now reads 'You have no assets in this constellation.'
Warping through a planet while cloaked shouldn't affect the cloak now.
Fixed various issues related to jump button where jumping would not take place after warping to location. The process was made more robust with regards to exceptional cases. This affects most cases of automatic navigation that end with an interaction as in opening cargo, docking and scooping drones.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno - Client Update 1
To be released on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
This update addresses issues introduced with Inferno 1.0
User Interface
Corp logos in structure Kill Reports can now be dragged to share the Kill Report
An issue with adding market groups to custom quickbar folders has been fixed.
Automatic warp when jumping or docking no longer uses the default warp distances as defined by the user.
Fixed text indicating a faction was still capturing a control point when it is already captured.