Patch Notes for Retribution
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.14Released on Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Game World
Updates to the EVE Universe for DUST 514
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.13Released on Thursday, January 24, 2013
Game World
Updates to the EVE Universe for DUST 514
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.12Released on Monday, January 21, 2013
User Interface
You can now correctly see the Kill Rights availability in the Overview.
The Sovereignty window should now open correctly for everyone.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.11Released on Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Using assistance modules on a Starbase owned by a corporation that is at war is now a Suspect offense, unless you are a member of the owning corp/alliance
Members of different corporations within the same alliance will no longer be suspect-penalized for using assistance modules on one-another whilst PVP-flagged during a war
Fixed an issue with chat channel member list filtering. Infantry should no longer infiltrate your channels if you don’t want them to.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.10Released on Tuesday, January 10, 2013
Game World
Updates to the EVE Universe for DUST 514
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.9Released on Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The „Open wreck“ sound will no longer be played when you mark a wreck as viewed.
Offensive AOE modules such as Smartbombs and Warp Disrupt Field Generators will once again give the user a Weapons flag whilst active.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.8Released on Friday, January 4, 2013
A missing firework texture has been added - fireworks can now shine properly in all their glory.
User Interface
The module activation timer UI has been made considerably more accurate, especially after jumping.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.7Released on Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A missing 3D spatializing settings for small explosion sounds and can jettisoning was added.
Fixed the fleet hangar / ship maintainance bay sounds that would play after every jump.
Factional Warfare
Issues where Factional Warfare militia NPCs were attacking friendly or abandoned drones have been resolved. Militia NPCs will now always aggress according to their militia relation or if they have bad standings toward the particular militia factions.
NPCs will now only target drones in their size category.
Elite frigates and cruisers NPCs will go for small drones and above.
Frigates and Cruisers NPCs will go for medium drones and above.
Battleship NPCs will go for large drones.
User Interface
The safety level setting is now persisted on the server per character and will be restored when logging on.
The engage option for drones in the selected item menu has been fixed and will now visually warn players according to the safety level set.
The alignment of the time dilation indicator has been fixed.
An issue that caused the Station services UI and the Directional scanner to not load properly if the Directional Scanner window was open during docking has been resolved.
Closing the client with 'moving mode for messages' enabled no longer puts the mode into an incorrect state on next client start up.
When locked targets are dragged around they no longer shift around unnecessarily.
The Sovereignty window will now display correctly, no matter what your overview is set to.
The Micro Jump Drive no longer uses capacitor when being warp scrambled.
Suns in Incursion systems now project godrays again.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.6Released on Monday, December 17, 2012
Bounty payouts to you will now show a correct wallet journal entry.
Factional Warfare
Fixed an issue where a player in Factional Warfare could capture a complex but not get any Loyalty Points.
The Large Micro Jump Drive BPC can now be found within the market or searched via contracts.
Unified Inventory
Items are no longer hidden in some cases after moving them to containers and changing the container view.
Containers in corp hangars can be renamed again.
User Interface
Several changes and improvements were made to the camera tracking of selected items:
The new mode works alongside the camera offset tracking
The camera resets more gracefully after tracking has been disabled
Tracking now stops moving after a tracked target is destroyed
Directional scan tracking is engaged and disengaged gracefully as the directional scan window is opened and closed
The damage readout tooltip on targets can no longer display an incorrect value.
Under certain condition some modules incorrectly showed up red when changing fittings or swapping ships, this has been corrected now.
Sometimes the background of a window aligned incorrect if it was stacked or resized under specific conditions, this has been fixed.
The character info window now works as expected when opening it after it was stacked with a show info window.
In rare cases it was not possible to close the character sheet after it was opened, this has been fixed now.
Labels in the safe logoff UI are now translated.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.5Released on Wednesday, December 12, 2012
When you receive a bounty payout, the wallet entry in the journal will now show the origin of the bounty.
Crimewatch & Kill rights
Attacking Stations and Stargates in Empire space is now an illegal act, and will be penalised accordingly.
CONCORD no longer gets kill rights on you when you unlawfully aggress them.
User Interface
It is now possible again to unload a crystal directly from the fitting screen to the item hangar.
Searching for corporations has been optimized.
Selecting the "at war" icon in Corporation Advertisements will now opent the associated Corporation's info on the wars tab.
Corporations in Factiona Warfare now have the "at war" icon in Corporation Advertisements.
The ‘Unknown’ faction will no longer show up on the Standings tab of the character sheet.
NPCs will now respect their authored threat ranges so the full room will not aggro a player on entering the dungeon.
Corrected the chance percentage that an enemy NPC will use tracking disruption on a player's ship.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.4Released on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Crimewatch & Kill rights
In some cases it was possible that missile/defence batteries could cause extremely long NPC crimewatch timers; this is not longer possible.
Concord no longer gets kill rights on you when you unlawfully aggress them.
Science & Industry
Science and industry jobs can be delivered correctly again.
User Interface
The fitting screen is no longer hiding fitted modules when switching between ships in a station.
The menu for wars will now work again in all windows which should support this menu.
The 'Tracking' option in the Directional Scanner now points your camera in the direction of your selected item.
An issue that caused the tracking camera to break and spin wildly out of control has now been resolved.
Jump Clones
Some skills were no longer being applied following a clone jump. This has now been fixed.
The inventory window will no longer break and become unresponsive when mass moving location bookmarks from People & Places into an Inventory location.
Customs offices are now refreshing correctly and properly display the stored items.
A graphics issue related to tech3 ship cloaking has been resolved. All subsystems of the ship should now cloak at the same time.
Added medals for the champions of the New Eden Open.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.3Released on Monday, December 10, 2012
Any bounties placed on inactive characters will be refunded up to 50% of the bounty placed on that character. This also happens if a character becomes inactive after receiving the bounty and stays inactive for a long time.
Wars that are now made mutual will always be able to be retracted by the aggressor, even if the war is made non-mutual.
User Interface
Fixed the right click Location menu for Science & Industry jobs.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused typing to stop working and shortcut keys to be applied instead.
Custom groups on the Neocom will no longer be removed on log in.
Fixed an issue where single corporation divisions would not persist after loading into the game.
Inventory window will no longer expand when stacked and collapsed with another window after a jump.
Fixed the order in which the back and forward functionality works with the Inventory.
It is no longer possible to teleport items into containers, which are too far away.
The limit of items in corporate hangar arrays has been increased to 1500 item-stacks per division.
Production jobs from corporation hangars are now using the correct limit of items per division (1500).
Dropping items into divisions of corporate hangar arrays without roles is no longer causing wrong error messages.
The Shield Resistance Amplifier sub groups on the market now have correct names. No more pesky spelling mistakes.
Kill Rights
We identified some issues that would cause expired kill rights to always appear in the activate kill rights UI. This should no longer show old and expired kill rights.
The search backend will now properly match when doing a “Partial terms” search for solar system names that have hyphens in them (i.e. “1-3H” will correctly match 1-3HWZ).
A texture bug with the 125mm and 150mm Railguns has been fixed.
A hard edge texture bug has been resolved in the mission "The Blockade".
A hardline geometry gap has been resolved on the Armageddon and all of its variants.
Fixed an issue where Tengu Launcher was facing the wrong direction.
Fixed an issue where Tengu Launcher had an unusual rotation.
Small geometry gaps have been fixed on the Proteus.
Image files in JPEG format that contain a corrupt jpg_header block could crash the client. Some players with such corrupt files would experience a crash to desktop during startup or the login process. This particular vulnerability has now been addressed.
Cynos are now being displayed correctly on the world map.
World Shaping
Jump bridges can be linked without problems.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.2Released on Thursday, December 6, 2012
User Interfacing
Fixed an issue where geometry would be invisible on mobile graphics hardware.
Resolved an issue with the Character Sheet and their tabs (Skills, Certificates...) showing as empty.
Kill Reports will now open correctly if they detail loyalty points gained.
The 'Track Selected Item' camera mode now always engages on first press of the key binding. It also now handles enabling/disabling of the mode more gracefully.
An issue has been fixed that caused locked targets to display the 'Locked' label blinking after the lock process had been completed.
Orca boost and Mining Frequency Crystals are now shown in the tooltips for Strip Miners.
Fixed some backend errors associated with quickly moving bookmarks.
Caldari Cruiser bonuses: +12.5% ECM optimal, falloff and +15% ECM strength per level
Slot layout: 4 H, 6 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 3 launchers
Fittings: 525 PWG, 425 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1400 / 1200 / 1400
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1250 / 445 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 190 / 0.48 / 13190000 / 5.9 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 85km / 230 / 8
Sensor strength: 20 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 150
Caldari Cruiser bonuses: 5% bonus Rapid Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire and 10% bonus to Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Velocity per level
Signature radius: 42
Caldari Frigate bonuses: +15% to ECM strength and -10% to ECM capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 2 H, 5 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 24 PWG, 240 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 400 / 250 / 250
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 245 / 135 s / 1.81
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 325 / 3.5 / 1056000 / 3.46 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 500 / 6
Sensor strength: 17 Gravimetric
Fixed issue where safety warnings where activating for targeted modules with no target selected.
Kill rights
An issue when attempting to activate certain kill rights has been fixed
Bounties on inactive users were sometimes being reimbursed too early.
The scroll for an input field will now work when the mouse cursor is within the boundaries of the window as opposed to the boundaries of the input field.
Fixed instances of where the “My filter” section of Inventory window would not stay minimized.
Fixed an issue where dropping bookmarks via the Index tree would not work.
In some cases skills were not being applied directly after clone jumping. This has now been fixed.
Player-owned structures
Fixed an issue that prevented being able to store Oxygen or Water in silos in space.
An issue with the pod and cloaking after a star gate jump has been resolved.
A gap in one of the Proteus subsystems has been corrected.
Part of the Loki engine had fallen off during its V3 upgrade and has been duck taped back on.
A normal map error on the Tengu hull has been corrected.
The gas cloud harvester effect has been fixed.
Some of the locator hard points have been corrected on the Loki hull
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0.1Released on Wednesday, December 5, 2012
User Interface
An issue that has been resolved which caused the 'Track Selected Item' camera mode to stop tracking when entering warp or after using the Jump/Dock/Activate key binding
Right-clicking and dragging in space with your mouse now temporarily disables the 'Track Selected Item' camera mode and allows you to freely move the camera on its own axis. On mouse release the camera centers back to your own ship. *Selecting any item after this will resume the 'Track Selected Item' camera mode (*only applicable if this setting was enabled)
Planetary interaction icons and links have had their mip levels regenerated and should no longer appear aliased.
Poor performance in the Corporation Recruitment search results has been resolved
An issue causing planetary interaction link lines to be distorted has been fixed
Chat Channels
An issue has been resolved that caused chat channel links in Corporation recruitment advertisements to only be visible if you were present in the channel
The cloaking effect will now play again after jumping through a stargate
Cloaking effects on tech3 strategic cruisers should once again work on every subsystem
Resolved an issue with the jumping cloak effect if your client was alt+tabbed
An issue with the display of Limited Engagements under time dilation has been resolved
Assisting a Factional Warfare participant with a PVP flag who is not in your faction is now a Suspect offense
Timers should no longer make a noise when you change locations
Safety window outlines should now properly scale with the UI
Salvage Drones can now be manufactured by a POS Drone Assembly Array.
The Bounty Office window will now persist between session changes such as jumping/docking.
The Bounty amount in the notifications you receive will no longer show decimal places.
The Bounty amount in the kill report will no longer show decimal places.
We have now forbidden placing bounty on Developer & ISD Corporations and Alliances.
It is possible again to transfer items to all Customs Offices.
Delivery of items to corporation members has been fixed.
Items in corporation hangar arrays are visible again.
Fixed an issue where certain types of bookmarks would cause unnecessary calls to the server
Capital remote assistance modules (Energy Transfer Arrays, Remote Armor Repairers, Remote Hull Repairers and Shield Transporters) are now affected by the same bonuses as pre-Retribution.
Fixed an issue which could potentially cause a crash at the login screen
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.0Released on Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Bounty Hunting
You can now place a bounty on any player character in New Eden, except Dev and ISD characters.
You can also place bounties on corporations and alliances.
The minimum bounty amounts are: Players (100,000 ISK), Corporations (20,000,000 ISK), Alliances (100,000,000 ISK)
You can view Bounty information in the Show Info window for Characters, Corporations and Alliances.
You can view your own bounty in the character sheet.
The Bounty Information in Show Info is accumulated for all bounty pools. It also has a tooltip on mouse over, to show the breakdown of all bounty pools.
There is a Place Bounty icon (+) in the Show info window you can use to place a bounty.
Bounty payout is now based on damage inflicted on the target. The payout is 20% of the loss value.
Bounty is now claimed on anything that generates a Kill Report. This includes, ships, pods and structures.
The bounty is paid to the character with the final blow, except when Concord has final blow or for self-destruct, in which case the bounty goes to highest damage dealer.
A fleet that claims a bounty on a player, will now get paid for the bounty. The payout is split equally amongst the fleet members.
Kill Reports now contain the Bounty Payout amount on them, as well as LP's awarded for the kill if they also receive LP's.
There are new WANTED icons that overlay on Character portraits or Corp/Alliance logos.
Bounty Office
The Bounty Office is now accessible in the Neocom under the Business section. This can be used at any time. (No longer restriction to stations)
The Bounty Office consists of the 10 Most Wanted list of Characters, Corporations and Alliances
The Bounty Office also shows a list of the 10 best Bounty Hunter players, Corporations and Alliances.
You can track how much bounty you have added to entities in EVE with the My Bounties list.
Your bounties list is sorted by the most recent bounty that you have contributed to at the top of the list.
You can search for a Most Wanted target if they are not in the top 10 list. It will show their place in the universe with 5 others above, and the 5 below.
There is a Place Bounty icon (+) on each entry in all three lists (Most Wanted, Top Bounty Hunters, My Bounties)
There is a Place Bounty section at the bottom of the Bounty Office. You can search for characters, corporations or alliances to place a bounty here.
You can drag a character from chat into the place bounty section.
The Most Wanted/Top Bounty Hunters in each list will be visibly larger than the rest.
The crimewatch system controlling the outcomes and penalties for combat has been overhauled as explained in this dev blog: //
Crimewatch flags
Criminal Countdown’ flags (and the associated ‘Global Criminal Countdown’) have been replaced by a number of more specific flags, each with its own set of triggers and consequences.
The flags are displayed in the upper-left area of the client, and each shows how much time is remaining.
The flags will follow a player as he travels between systems (including in and out of wormholes).
When using assistance modules on another player, you will inherit their Weapons, PVP, NPC and Legal flags.
Flag types:
Weapons Timer:
Triggered by activating your weapons against another player.
Will prevent docking, jumping and switching ships in space as long as it is active.
Duration: 60 seconds
PVP Timer:
Triggered by using your weapons against another player, or another player using their weapons against you.
Will delay your ship being removed from space if you log off whilst the flag is active.
Duration: 15 minutes.
This flag can be created and extended indefinitely whilst logged off, if your ship is not safely removed from space beforehand.
NPC Timer:
Triggered by using your weapons against an NPC, or an NPC using their weapons against you.
Will delay your ship being removed from space if you log off if you log off whilst the flag is active.
Duration: 5 minutes.
This flag is not extended whilst logged off
Legal Timer:
Triggered by performing illegal acts in Empire space (High and Low sec).
Criminal acts:
Illegally attacking another player in high sec. Illegally attacking another player’s capsule in low sec.
Having a Criminal flag will make you a legal target for all other players. In high-sec, CONCORD will attack anyone with a Criminal flag.
Suspect acts:
Illegally attacking another player’s ship (but not capsule) in low sec.
Assisting a non-corpmate who has a PVP flag and is in active a war.
Assisting someone who is in an Limited Engagement towards targets who cannot legally attack you.
Taking from a container in space that you do not have loot rights rights to.
Having a Suspect flag will make you a legal target for all other players.
CONCORD will NOT attack a character just for having a Suspect flag.
Global targets:
A player is a legal global target if he has a Suspect flag, a Criminal flag or is an Outlaw (has a security status below -5)
Limited Engagements
A Limited Engagement is a temporary flag between a pair of characters allowing them to legally fight each other.
A Limited engagement is created when a global target is attacked by someone who cannot be legally attacked back.
It will expire if no offensive combat occurs between the two characters for 5 minutes.
A list of all your Limited Engagements is displayed along with the other combat flags in the upper-left area of the client.
Overview settings
New overview options for Suspects, Criminals, Limited Engagement targets have been added. Existing overview settings should be checked to ensure the order of these states is correct for you.
Security status
The way that security status penalties are applied for illegal attacks has changed.
The penalty is now applied for any aggressive action that results in a Criminal or Suspect flag at the point that the first action occurs. (Previously a small penalty was applied upon the initial action, and then a larger penalty if the victim was killed without retaliation).
Criminal actions will give a larger penalty than Suspect actions. The penalty is modified based on the security-level of the location, and the difference in security status of the attacker and defender.
Sentry guns
Sentry guns will only respond to anyone who incurs a security status penalty in their vicinity.
A character with sentry aggression that leaves the vicinity (by warping away) and then returns will no longer be considered a target for sentry guns, unless he commits another illegal attack.
They will not respond to illegal aggressions that occurred elsewhere – Attacking another player at a belt or other site and then warping to a gate/station will now no longer result in sentry aggression.
Sentry guns will no longer attack drones, only ships
Loot Rights
All containers in space (including wrecks) have associated loot rights, specifying who can legally take from them.
Taking from a container illegally will give the thief a Suspect flag.
If a container is owned by a character whom you can legally attack (due to war, engagements or any other reason), then you can legally take from that container.
Safety switch
A number of “Are you sure?” dialogs relating to committing illegal actions have been removed, and replaced with a Safety Switch system.
The safety switch has three levels: Full, Partial, and Off. The safety level can be set at any time via the new button on the ship HUD UI.
At login, the safety will always reset to Full.
Full Safety will prevent your ship from performing any action that results in a Suspect or Criminal flag.
Partial Safety will prevent your ship from performing any action that results in a Criminal flag, but will allow any Suspect acts without any further confirmation whatsoever.
Turning safeties off will mean that your ship will perform any action without further confirmation, even if that action will result in a Criminal or Suspect flag. Note that turning this off in high-sec will mean you can very easily become a target for CONCORD. You are fully responsible for what you do with this button!
Kill Rights
A Kill Right is now created when aggressing a ship illegally in hisec or aggressing a pod in lowsec.
To use a Kill Right now means activating a Suspect flag on the target of the Kill Right. The Suspect flag has a 15 minutes timer and allows anyone to legally engage the suspect.
If the target of a Kill Right is killed while a suspect, the Kill Right is used up (removed).
Players can make their Kill Rights available to other players. This is done through the Kill Rights panel in the character sheet.
Players can make their Kill Right available to everyone, or to specific entities like a corp or a character. They can also attach a price to activating the Kill Right.
Players can cancel availability on their Kill Rights, but this does not affect engagement already taking place.
Players are notified of changes in availability on a Kill Right where they are the target.
If a Kill Right leads to a kill (i.e. the Kill Right is used up), the Kill Report indicates whom the target was killed on behalf of.
There is a new overview and chat channel icon available for players to show those with available Kill Right
New Ships
Four new destroyers are being introduced.
Role bonuses: 25% bonus to Drone Microwarpdrive speed
Destroyer bonuses: 10% bonus to drone damage, hitpoints and 20% bonus to energy vampire and energy neutralizer transfer range per level
Slot layout: 6 H, 2 M, 4 L, 3 turrets, 3 launchers
Fittings: 58 PWG, 150 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 750 / 950 / 850
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 600 / 275 s / 2.18
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 240 / 2.87 / 1700000 / 4.28 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 39km / 525 / 6
Sensor strength: 10 Radar
Signature radius: 66
Role bonuses: 50% role bonus on Light Missile and Rocket Max Velocity
Destroyer bonuses: 5% bonus to light missile, rocket kinetic damage and 10% bonus to light missile, rocket explosion velocity per level
Slot layout: 7 H, 4 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 7 launchers
Fittings: 48 PWG, 210 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 950 / 750 / 750
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 500 / 320 s / 1.56
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 235 / 2.7 / 1900000 / 4.8 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 45km / 475 / 7
Sensor strength: 12 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 69
Role bonuses: 25% role bonus to drone microwarpdrive speed
Destroyer bonuses: 10% bonus to drone damage, hitpoints and 10% bonus to small hybrid turret tracking per level
Slot layout: 6 H, 3 M, 3 L, 5 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 55 PWG, 160 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 800 / 850 / 950
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 550 / 350 s / 1.57
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 245 / 2.85 / 1600000 / 4.27 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 35 / 60
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 42km / 500 / 7
Sensor strength: 11 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 72
Role bonuses: 50% role bonus on Light Missile and Rocket Max Velocity
Destroyer bonuses: 5% bonus to light missile, rocket explosive damage and 15% reduction in microwarpdrive signature radius penalty per level
Slot layout: 7 H, 3 M, 3 L, 0 turrets, 7 launchers
Fittings: 51 PWG, 200 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 850 / 800 / 800
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 450 / 290 s / 1.55
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 255 / 2.9 / 1650000 / 4.48 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 36km / 550 / 6
Sensor strength: 9 Ladar
Signature radius: 60
The four new destroyer blueprints (Dragoon, Corax, Algos, Talwar) can be obtained through their respective faction space for 7-8 million ISK each
A new ORE mining frigate is being added for rookie miners.
Role bonus: 100% role bonuses to mining and gas cloud harvesting amount
Mining Frigate bonuses: 5% to mining yield and 5% reduction in Gas Cloud Harvester cycle duration per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 3 M, 1 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 45 PWG, 240 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 225 / 175 / 200
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 250 / 125 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 335 / 3.6 / 1200000 / 4.04 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 15km / 750 / 5
Sensor strength: 4 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 40
The new mining frigate blueprint may be obtained in Outer Ring through the ORE faction stations
The new mining frigate may also be acquired by running the Industrial Career Path
The new Mining Frigate skill may be obtained through the regular academy stations for 36000 ISK
Rank 2
Spaceship Command Level I prerequisite
Primary attribute is perception, with willpower as secondary
Radar Sensor Compensation, Gravimetric Sensor Compensation, Magnetometric Sensor Compensation and Ladar Sensor Compensation skills have been added to the market for 180000 ISK each
These increase their specific sensor strength by 4% per level
All rank 2
Electronics Level IV prerequisite
Primary attribute is intelligence, with memory as secondary
The new Micro Jump Drive battleship module has been added:
Skill: Micro Jump Drive Operation. Seeded on market.
Spool up time 12 sec. Jumps 100 km. Cooldown 3 minutes. Battleship only. Affected by warp scramblers. Increases base sig radius.
Blueprint copies drop from hacking sites and pirate commander/officer loot.
5 New Rogue Drone Officer modules added (Drone Control Unit, Drone Navigation Computer, Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Drone Link Augmentor & Drone Damage Amplifier).
New Salvage Drones have been added:
Skill: Salvage Drone Operation. Seeded on market.
Small drone (bandwidth 5). Base salvage chance 3% (skill gives 2% per level in addition).
Can be automated to salvage white and blue wrecks.
Can be manually set to salvage any wreck in range by targeting the wreck and choosing to salvage it.
Salvage drone blueprint is seeded on market.
Players can now elect to "safe log off" from the Esc menu or ship context menu; this can only be attempted while their ship is essentially inactive, and will remove their ship from space after thirty seconds. Logging off safely in this manner does not close the client and can be aborted at any time
Science and Industry
Rorquals can now use the ore hold for ore compression jobs, in addition to the cargo hold and the fleet hangar.
User Interface
Players now have more control over their searches. They can now search for Partial Terms, Exact Terms, Exact Phrase, and Only Exact Phrase
New corporation finder:
Makes searching for corporations easier.
Easier to understand search categories.
Clearer presentation of matching criteria and corporation key facts
New corporation advertisements:
Corp Ad creation UI has been revamped.
Corp Ads now show the matched criteria for better clarity
Expanded Module Tooltips and Information
Additional information presented
More active modules supported (20 more groups containing over 1200 modules)
Mousing over an active module shows a hairline pointing to the target which it is directed at
Mousing over an offensive module highlights all new 'In-Range' brackets within the module's range
New resistance icons
Graphically presents the resistance types of resistance hardeners
Selected Item camera tracking mode
When the Tracking Camera mode is selected the camera will keep both you and your selected item or target on screen
Via the Selected Item menu you can set the exact point on your HUD where your selected item or target will be visible
By default the "C key" toggles the mode on/off
Restyled targets and brackets
Now better matching the look and feel of your HUD for a more uniform appearance
Increased precision in the display of target damage
Selected item bracket can no longer be confused with station icons
Clearer difference in locked targets and active targets
Ships within your targeting range now have added 'In-Range' brackets
Locked targets can now be dragged and dropped onto a new row so friendly targets can be kept separate from enemies
New Damage Notification stream
All new design allowing you to view multiple damage notifications simultaneously
Damage Notifications can be moved to any position on screen via a mode in HUD options
Warning and General notification messages are now displayed in a separate area and are now movable also
Enemy DPS indicator
Aggressors damaging you in the previous 2 minutes are now visually highlighted by a red circular indicator
Up to 5 enemies damaging you are highlighted with 5 levels of indicator intensity
Drag & Drop functionality has been added to the Directional Scanner results so you can drag scan results directly into chat
When your Fleet is viewed as a hierarchy your name and the Wing/Squad in which you are located are highlighted in green
The Character Sheet will now always open on the section you were viewing when you last closed it
The Repairshop will now only list items which are damaged
Showing Info on stations now includes the security status of the system in which the station is located
The 'Quantity' field will be highlighted by default on newly opened Buy/Modify windows so you don't need to mouse-click before modifying the quantity
Back and Forward buttons have been added to the Market browser so you can browse back and forth through viewed items and sections
Fitting Management now remembers your last selection (Personal/Corp fittings)
Loyalty Point Store
After hearing numerous cries of despair from our playerbase and sacrificing a few EVE Developers to the evil Python gods, it is now possible to buy offers in bulk from the Loyalty Point Stores. Just select a number on the contextual menu that appears when pressing “buy”.
Factional Warfare
Improved Alliance display to make it clearer when Factional Warfare is joined. This is shown on:
The login screen
Character sheet
Character, corporation and alliance show-infos
Corporation management and recruitment windows.
Factional Warfare complex naming and access restrictions have been revamped
“Minor” complexes have been renamed “novice” and now only accept tech1 frigates only (including navy or pirate - no tech2 variants allowed)
“Standard” complexes have been renamed “small” and now accept all frigates (including tech1, tech2 and all pirate / navy variantions) plus all destroyer variants (including tech1 and tech2 variations)
“Major” complexes (except for Compound and Stronghold types) has been renamed “medium” and now allow all frigate variations plus all cruiser variations (including tech1, tech2, pirate and navy variations but NOT tech3 cruisers)
“Major Compound” and “Major Stronghold” complexes have been renamed “Large Compound” and “Large Stronghold” and still have no ship restriction to enter
Factional Warfare complex layout has been altered
All capture beacons have been moved to 10km away from the warp-in point
Capture range have been set to 30km radius for all complexes, no matter their faction or sizes
Factional Warfare Complex NPCs have been overhauled
Complex NPCs have been reduced in numbers from 10-16 per room to either 1 or 2. NPCs will spawn one after the other, once a specific timer has elapsed
Complex NPC attributes have been changed to better suit a PvP environment while discouraging quick farming (very low damage output, average to high defenses, excellent mobility, no E-war, all use turrets)
World Shaping
A jump connection between Kurniainen (Bleak Lands) and Isbrabata (Metropolis) has been added
A jump connection between Siseide (Heimatar) to Eszur (Metropolis) has been added
A jump connection between Gulmorogod (Heimatar) to Egmar (Metropolis) has been added
1/10 and 2/10 static DED complexes have been moved to the exploration system
The 2/10 DED sites which could already be found through exploration have had their scanning difficulty increased slightly to be in line with other sites
War Changes
Added Retract War option for aggressor if defender has set war to mutual.
Removed multiplier for other wars when declaring war cost.War declaration cost now starts scaling sooner up for number of characters in defender corp/alliance. It will now start to increase with the 51st member and reach the ceiling of 500 million at 2000 members.
Retribution is our second-step iteration on our ship rebalancing initiative. Please refer to this Blog for more details.
This release affects 40 ships total, including frigates, destroyers and cruisers, 5 of which are new hulls (4 new destroyers and one new mining frigate).
Listed vessels below may have had their manufacturing mineral requirements adjusted through “extra materials” to reflect possible role changes.
The Impairor Tracking Disruptor bonus has been increased from 10% to 15%.
The Velator Remote Sensor Dampening bonus has been increased from 10% to 15%.
The Reaper Target Painting bonus has been increased from 10% to 15%.
The powergrid output of the Hurricane has been reduced to 1125.
Blockade Runners are now immune to cargo scanners.
The Muninn text description was updated to bring it's formatting in line with other Tech II variant ships.
The description for the Coercer has been updated, changing "Royal Navy" to "Imperial Navy".
All ships have had their Meta Level adjusted in line with the balancing changes.
All rebalanced ships have had their descriptions updated to quickly tell you what they do.
Freighters and jump freighters have been upgraded with a jettison tube and can freely jettison, scoop and move items between containers. They are still not able to load or scoop assembled containers into their cargo hold, except freight containers.
Caldari Frigate bonuses: +5% to missile damage and +10% to missile velocity per level
Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 4 launchers
Fittings: 45 PWG, 180 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 500 / 350 / 350
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 330 / 165 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 320 / 3.27 / 1163000 / 3.56 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km / 620 / 5
Sensor strength: 11 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 38
Gallente Frigate bonuses: +7.5% to small hybrid turret tracking and +10% to drone tracking and hitpoints per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 3 M, 3 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 35 PWG, 130 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 350 / 450 / 650
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 350 / 175 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.44 / 1106000 / 3.56 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 40km / 600 / 5
Sensor strength: 9 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 41
Minmatar Frigate bonuses: +5% missile damage and +7.5% shield boost amount per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 4 M, 3 L, 0 turrets, 3 launchers
Fittings: 35 PWG, 180 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 500 / 350 / 300
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 300 / 150 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 350 s / 3.16 / 1087000 / 3.21 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 35km / 650 / 4
Sensor strength: 8 Ladar
Signature radius: 36
Amarr Frigate bonuses: +7.5% tracking disruptor effectiveness and +10% tracking disruptor optimal range
Slot layout: 2 H, 4 M, 3 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 27 PWG, 235 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 250 / 400 / 350
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 330 / 180 s / 1.83
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 350 / 3.35 / 1064000 / 3.34 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 45
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 64km / 540 / 6
Sensor strength: 14 Radar
Signature radius: 38
Caldari Frigate bonuses: +15% to ECM strength and -10% to ECM capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 2 H, 5 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 24 PWG, 240 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 400 / 250 / 250
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 245 / 135 s / 1.81
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 350 / 3.5 / 1056000 / 3.46 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 500 / 6
Sensor strength: 17 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 45
Gallente Frigate bonuses: +7.5% remote sensor dampener effectiveness and -10% remote sensor dampener capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 2 H, 4 M, 3 L, turrets, launchers
Fittings: 28 PWG, 230 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 300 / 350 / 400
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 275 / 150 s / 1.83
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 375 / 3.25 / 1063000 / 3.23 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 20 / 30
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 64.5km / 520 / 6
Sensor strength: 16 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 40
Minmatar Frigate bonuses: +10% to target painter optimal range and +7.5% to target painter effectiveness per level
Slot layout: 2 H, 5 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 26 PWG, 225 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 350 / 300 / 300
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 235 / 130 s / 1.80
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 410 / 3.22 / 1080000 / 3.25 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 560 / 6
Sensor strength: 12 Ladar
Signature radius: 34
Amarr Frigate bonuses: +7.5% sensor probe strength and +5% to codebreaker, analyzer and salvager cycle time
Slot layout: 3 H, 3 M, 4 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 26 PWG, 230 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 250 / 350 / 250
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 325 / 180 s / 1.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 350 / 3.8 / 1072000 / 3.81 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 34km / 445 / 4
Sensor strength: 10 Radar
Signature radius: 39
Caldari Frigate bonuses: +7.5% sensor probe strength and +5% to codebreaker, analyzer and salvager cycle time
Slot layout: 3 H, 5 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 24 PWG, 260 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 400 / 200 / 200
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 245 / 135 s / 1.81
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 340 / 3.57 / 1150000 / 3.84 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 35
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 37.5km / 430 / 4
Sensor strength: 12 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 40
Gallente Frigate bonuses: +7.5% sensor probe strength and +5% to codebreaker, analyzer and salvager cycle time
Slot layout: 3 H, 4 M, 3 L, 1 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 21 PWG, 250 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 275 / 325 / 275
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 270 / 150 s / 1.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 330 / 4.15 / 997000 / 3.87 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 20 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 35km / 450 / 4
Sensor strength: 11 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 41
Minmatar Frigate bonuses: +7.5% sensor probe strength and +5% to codebreaker, analyzer and salvager cycle time
Slot layout: 3 H, 4 M, 3 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 25 PWG, 240 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 300 / 300 / 225
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 235 / 130 s / 1.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 360 / 3.58 / 1123000 / 3.76 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 35
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 32.5km / 465 / 4
Sensor strength: 9 Ladar
Signature radius: 38
Role bonus: +500% role bonus to Remote Armor Repair System Range
Amarr Frigate bonuses: +10% Remote Armor repair Amount and -10% Remote Armor Repair Capacitor Use per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 2 M, 4 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 51 PWG, 135 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 225 / 500 / 330
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 400 / 200 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.6 / 1470000 / 4.95 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 36km / 900 / 7
Sensor strength: 10 Radar
Signature radius: 34
Role bonus: +500% role bonus to Shield Transfer Range
Caldari Frigate bonuses: +10% Shield Transporter Boost and -10% to Shield Transporter capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 4 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 39 PWG, 215 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 500 / 225 / 310
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 380 / 190 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 300 / 3.75 / 1480000 / 5.19 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 40km / 850 / 7
Sensor strength: 12 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 35
Role bonus: +500% role bonus to Remote Armor Repair System Range
Gallente Frigate bonuses: +10% Remote Armor Repair Amount and -10% Remote Armor Repair capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 3 M, 3 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 49 PWG, 145 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 250 / 400 / 335
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 390 / 195 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 330 / 3.4 / 1450000 / 4.61 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 38km / 875 / 7
Sensor strength: 11 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 36
Role bonus: +500% role bonus to Shield Transfer Range
Minmatar Frigate bonuses: +10% Shield Transporter Boost and -10% to Shield Transporter capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 3 M, 3 L, 2 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 40 PWG, 205 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 400 / 250 / 290
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 370 / 185 s / 2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 335 / 3.55 / 1420000 / 4.72 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 34km / 925 / 7
Sensor strength: 9 Ladar
Signature radius: 33
Unchanged ship bonuses
Slot layout: 8 H, 2 M, 3 L, 8 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 85 PWG, 168 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 700 / 900 / 800
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 700 / 370 s / 1.89
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 255 / 2.77 / 1650000 / 4.3 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 30km / 525 / 6
Sensor strength: 10 Radar
Signature radius: 62
Unchanged ship bonuses
Slot layout: 8 H, 3 M, 2 L, 7 turrets, 1 launcher
Fittings: 68 PWG, 200 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 900 / 700 / 700
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 600 / 320 s / 1.875
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 250 / 2.78 / 1700000 / 4.4 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 36km / 475 / 7
Sensor strength: 12 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 65
Unchanged ship bonuses
Slot layout: 8 H, 2 M, 3 L, 8 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 70 PWG, 178 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 750 / 800 / 900
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 650 / 350 s / 1.85
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 265 / 2.76 / 1550000 / 4 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 33km / 500 / 7
Sensor strength: 11 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 68
Unchanged ship bonuses
Slot layout: 8 H, 3 M, 2 L, 7 turrets, 1 launchers
Fittings: 70 PWG, 170 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 800 / 750 / 750
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 550 / 290 s / 1.89
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 270 / 2.8 / 1600000 / 4.2 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 27km / 550 / 6
Sensor strength: 9 Ladar
Signature radius: 56
Role bonuses: +1000% remote armor repair system and energy transfer array range. +200% energy transfer amount
Amarr Cruiser bonuses: -5% remote armor repair system capacitor use and +12.5% remote armor repair system amount per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 3 M, 5 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 650 PWG, 275 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1000 / 1650 / 1550
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1500 / 300 s / 5
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 210 / 0.68 / 10730000 / 6.8 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 20 / 20
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 62.5km / 385 / 8
Sensor strength: 14 Radar
Signature radius: 90
Role bonuses: +1000% to shield transfer and energy transfer array range. +200% energy transfer amount
Caldari Cruiser bonuses: -5% shield transfer capacitor use and +12.5% shield transfer repair amount per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 5 M, 3 L, 1 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 425 PWG, 410 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1650 / 1000 / 1450
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1375 / 275 s / 5
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 200 / 0.59 / 11230000 / 6.2 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 20 / 20
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 350 / 8
Sensor strength: 16 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 95
Role bonuses: +1000% remote armor repair system range and +100% drone repair amount
Gallente Cruiser bonuses: -5% remote armor repair system capacitor use and +12.5% remote armor repair system amount per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 4 M, 6 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 610 PWG, 275 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1000 / 1400 / 1600
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1375 / 264 s / 5.2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 240 / 0.61 / 11020000 / 6.3 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 55km / 365 / 8
Sensor strength: 15 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 80
Role bonuses: +1000% to shield transfer and +100% drone repair amount
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses: -5% shield transfer capacitor use and +12.5% shield transfer repair amount per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 5 M, 5 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
Fittings: 310 PWG, 315 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1400 / 1100 / 1300
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1250 / 240 s / 5.2
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 250 / 0.6 / 11110000 / 6.2 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 45 / 45
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 52.5km / 400 / 8
Sensor strength: 13 Ladar
Signature radius: 75
Amarr Cruiser bonuses: +7.5% tracking disruptor strength and +10% drone damage, hitpoints, mining amount per level
Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 5 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 575 PWG, 325 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1100 / 1500 / 1600
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1375 / 490 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 200 / 0.56 / 11200000 / 5.9 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 150
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km / 285 / 7
Sensor strength: 15 Radar
Signature radius: 130
Caldari Cruiser bonuses: +12.5% ECM optimal, falloff and +15% ECM strength per level
Slot layout: 4 H, 6 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 3 launchers
Fittings: 525 PWG, 425 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1400 / 1200 / 1400
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1250 / 445 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 200 / 0.56 / 11200000 / 5.9 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 290 / 8
Sensor strength: 18 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 135
Gallente Cruiser bonuses: +7.5% remote sensor dampener strength and +10% remote sensor dampener optimal, falloff per level
Slot layout: 3 H, 5 M, 5 L, 3 turrets, 3 launchers
Fittings: 575 PWG, 375 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1200 / 1300 / 1700
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1300 / 463 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 210 / 0.505 / 12070000 / 5.9 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 290 / 8
Sensor strength: 18 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 135
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses: -5% heavy assault missile launcher, heavy missile launcher and rapid light missile launcher rate of fire and +7.5 target painting strength per level
Slot layout: 4 H, 5 M, 4 L, 0 turrets, 4 launchers
Fittings: 575 PWG, 360 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1400 / 1200 / 1500
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1200 / 428 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 240 / 0.51 / 11550000 / 5.5 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 40 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 42.5km / 300 / 7
Sensor strength: 14 Ladar
Signature radius: 120
Amarr Cruiser bonuses: -5% medium energy turret rate of fire and -10% medium energy turret capacitor use per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 3 M, 6 L, 5 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 925 PWG, 315 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1200 / 1700 / 1500
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1475 / 526 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 235 / 0.51 / 11650000 / 5.6 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 40 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 55km / 300 / 6
Sensor strength: 15 Radar
Signature radius: 115
Caldari Cruiser bonuses: -5% heavy assault missile launcher, heavy missile launcher and rapid light missile launcher rate of fire and maximum velocity per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 5 M, 4 L, 0 turrets, 5 launchers
Fittings: 630 PWG, 430 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1700 / 1200 / 1400
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1250 / 445 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 230 / 0.46 / 11910000 / 5.1 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 57.5km / 270 / 6
Sensor strength: 16 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 125
Gallente Cruiser bonuses: +5% medium hybrid turret damage and +7.5% medium hybrid turret tracking per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 4 M, 5 L, 5 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 820 PWG, 330 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1200 / 1600 / 1600
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1450 / 517 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 240 / 0.49 / 11280000 / 5.2 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 52.5km / 280 / 6
Sensor strength: 15 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 120
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses: -5% medium projectile turret rate of fire and +7.5% medium projectile turret falloff per level
Slot layout: 6 H, 4 M, 4 L, 4 turrets, 2 launchers
Fittings: 715 PWG, 340 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1600 / 1300 / 1300
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1200 / 428 s / 2.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 290 / 0.5 / 1140000 / 5.3 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 47.5km / 320 / 5
Sensor strength: 13 Ladar
Signature radius: 100
Amarr Cruiser bonuses: +5% medium energy turret damage and +5% to all armor resistances per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 3 M, 6 L, 5 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 1150 PWG, 300 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1000 / 2300 / 1700
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1625 / 465 s / 3.49
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 195 / 0.52 / 12050000 / 5.9 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 15
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 47.5km / 280 / 6
Sensor strength: 16 Radar
Signature radius: 130
Caldari Cruiser bonuses: +5% medium hybrid turret damage and +5% to all shield resistances per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 5 M, 4 L, 5 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 850 PWG, 380 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 2300 / 1000 / 1600
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1500 / 475 s / 3.15
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 190 / 0.52 / 12220000 / 5.9 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 15 / 15
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 55km / 260 / 7
Sensor strength: 17 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 135
Gallente Cruiser bonuses: +5% medium hybrid turret damage and +10% drone damage, hitpoints, mining amount per level
Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 5 L, 4 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 800 PWG, 300 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1100 / 2000 / 2000
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1450 / 483 s / 3
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 205 / 0.53 / 11310000 / 5.6 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 125
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 52.5km / 280 / 6
Sensor strength: 16 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 145
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses: -5% medium projectile turret rate of fire and +5% medium projectile damage per level
Slot layout: 5 H, 4 M, 5 L, 4 turrets, 1 launcher
Fittings: 860 PWG, 350 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1500 / 1800 / 1500
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1275 / 425 s / 3
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 210 / 0.5 / 12200000 / 5.7 s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 30 / 30
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km / 290 / 6
Sensor strength: 15 Ladar
Signature radius: 125
The Guided Precision skill has been changed to affect all missiles.
Assault Missiles skill has been renamed Heavy Assault Missiles.
A number of skills have had their volume changed from 0.00m3 to 0.01m3 to bring them in line with all the other skills in game.
The Afterburner skill has been changed to now reduce duration by 5% (as opposed to increase by 10%) and reduces capacitor usage by 10% per level.
All medium Remote Armor Repair System and Medium Shield Transporter modules have been changed to be more useful as a whole and to fit with the Auguror, Osprey, Exequror and Scythe role changes
Optimal Range and Falloff of all ECM modules have been reduced by 10% (ECM ship bonuses have been increased to compensate)
Optimal Range of all Remote Sensor Dampener modules has been increased by 20%, and ships with Sensor Dampener bonuses have had their bonus increased to 7.5% per level
All Tracking Disruptor strength has been reduced by 5% of their previous values (bonuses on ships having Tracking Disruption strength have been increased to 7.5% to compensate)
Ships with Target Painting Strength bonus have been increased from 5% to 7.5% per level for tech1 hulls, and from 7.5% to 10% for tech2
Optimal Range and Falloff of all ECM modules have been reduced by 10%
The ECM range bonuses on the Blackbird, Kitsune and Tengu Obfuscation Manifold have been increased to 12.5% per level, and on the Scorpion to 25% per level
Optimal Range of all Remote Sensor Dampener modules has been increased by 20%
The Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness bonuses on the Maulus, Keres, Celestis, Lachesis, and Arazu have been increased to 7.5% per level
All Tracking Disruptor strength has been reduced by 5% of their previous values
The Tracking Disruptor effectiveness bonuses on the Crucifier, Sentinel, Arbitrator, Pilgrim, and Curse have been increased to 7.5% per level
The Target Painting effectiveness bonuses on the Vigil and Bellicose have been increased to 7.5% per level, and the Golem, Hynea, Huginn and Rapier to 10% per level
Ancillary Shield Booster
Reduced capacity – 7 regular booster or 9 navy boosters.
Increased cap need when running without boosters.
X-Large booster now has duration of 5 seconds instead of 4.
Reactive Armor Hardener
Skill (Armor Resistance Phasing) now reduces cap need by 5% per level in addition to reducing cycle time.
Percentage change per cycle is now 6 instead of 3 (so resistances shift twice as fast).
Target Spectrum Breaker
Reduced duration to 8 seconds
Reduced scan resolution penalty to 25%
Launching a Warp Disrupt Probes is no longer an offensive action, and as such will not incur a weapons timer
Changes to cargo containers and probes can be viewed in this dev blog: //
Added 5 new freight cargo containers in the following sizes: 1k, 5k, 10k, 50k, 250k
Removed all NPC seeding of cargo containers.
Created blueprints for all cargo containers and seeded the blueprints on the market.
The following containers cannot be launched into space, and when jettisoned will go into a jet can:
Station Containers, Station Vault Containers, Station Warehouse Container
Survey probes are no longer seeded by the NPC and blueprints for them are.
The text description to Triage Modules has been updated to clarify that they are subject to a stacking penalty.
Now when using a ship with an expanded cargohold, interacting with that cargohold should no longer produce any messages about insufficient space when the UI is showing otherwise.
The 200mm Railgun II has had its required skills changed to confirm with the rest of the T2 Hybrids. (Now requires Medium Hybrid Turret at Level IV instead of I)
Removed non-capital skill requirements from capital remote assistance modules. (Shield Emission Systems, Energy Emission Systems, Remote Hull Repair Systems and Remote Armor Repair Systems)
Decreased capacitor use of capital remote assistance modules to compensate for loss of skill bonus.
Doomsday devices no longer display a badly-formatted internal attribute
It is now possible to scan all transported items in a ship with a cargo scanner, including items in the fleet hangar, the ship maintenance bay, the drone bay, and various specialized holds.
Ship scanners have been upgraded to no longer show higher quantities of fitted items. They still have a chance of missing items in their scan.
Christmas Gifts:
Really? You expected us to just tell you what you are getting for Christmas in the patch notes? … Carbon. That is what you get.
Weapons and Ammo
Powergrid on all Heavy Assault Missile Launchers has been reduced by 10%
Light missile changes:
Explosion velocity reduced from 50 to 40
Damage has been increased by 10% (rounded to the closest digit)
Light missile launcher fitting requirements have been reduced by 2 powergrid and 4 CPU
Heavy missile changes:
Base flight time reduced by 35% (to 6.5 seconds) for tech1 variants
Base velocity increased by 14.6% (to 4300m/s)
Damage has been decreased by 10% (rounded to closest digit)
Explosion radius increased by 12%
Tech 2 missile changes:
Ship velocity and signature radius have been removed from all tech2 missiles
Precision missiles: increased bonus to explosion velocity, damage has been increased to match tech1 missiles
Fury missiles: damage bonus increased, flight time reduced, penalties to explosion radius and velocity have been unified among all sizes of missiles
Rage missiles: damage bonus increased, changed flight time to match tech1 missiles, and penalties to missile velocity, explosion velocity and explosion radius have been unified among all sizes of missiles
Powergrid usage of Focused Medium Pulse lasers reduced by 5%
Powergrid usage of Heavy Pulse lasers reduced by 10%
Powergrid usage of all cruiser sized beam lasers by reduced 10%
Powergrid usage of all cruiser sized artillery reduced by 10%
All, yes all because CONSISTENCY DEMANDS IT, ammo descriptions (not counting missiles), have had their descriptions updated to list their bonuses.
The following small lasers have been renamed, because medium does not equal small:
Medium Pulse Laser I -> Small Focused Pulse Laser I
Medium Beam Laser I -> Small Focused Beam Laser I
Added a breadcrumb showing the selected tab within a certain inventory window
Added the ability to navigate up a tree from the breadcrumb directly
Added Back and Forward buttons to the Inventory window
Added the ability to keybind Back and Forward shortcuts to the mouse through the Shortcuts menu
Added feedback blink on the Back and Forward buttons when using shortcuts
Implemented Back and Forward shortcuts for other windows in EVE that use them, the Show Info windows
The icons for collapsing and expanding the Index Tree and Filters has been changed so that it is not confused with the Back and Forward buttons
All Inventory windows have their unique name in the header which never changes when moving between different tabs in the Index Tree
The Filters tab is now collapsed by default but will persist as open when players leave it open
Index Tree will only open up collapsed by default when a tab is opened that does not have any children
Once players have set a certain state of the Index Tree of each Inventory window for the first time, that state will be remembered
Inventory windows will persist their shape and size once the user has set them
Inventories of active ship will persist between sessions of undocking and docking
Inventories of Item hangar and Ship hangar will persist globally the way they are left in stations when undocking
Inventories of corporate hangars will persist individually per station with an office
All tabs within inventory windows will persist their state once the user has set them to a collapsed or expanded state
Inventory windows will persist their stack state between sessions
Inventory windows will persist their view modes once the user has set them to a specific state
Compact view vs. Normal view
Thumbnail, List view with thumbnails or list view
Added a settings option for the Inventory that will always show the full Index Tree in all inventory windows
Added a settings option to keep the filter value in the filter input box between inventory tabs
Moved the Settings icon below the header so that it is not shown multiple times when stacking inventory windows together
Inventory window settings for Player Owned Structures have been sorted into more category classes based on the type of structure they belong to.
Index Tree
Added the ability to scroll the Index Tree with the mouse scroll wheel while dragging items
Added the ability to scroll the Index Tree up or down while dragging items
Added the ability to scroll the inventory content area while dragging items inside of it
Hovering over a tab in the Index Tree while dragging items will no longer change the focus to that inventory location
Hovering over a tab in the Index Tree while dragging items will expand it and show it‘s children, if it has them
Implemented a mechanic of isolating inventories when they are opened directly from the Index Tree or by accessing them directly and not opening the main Inventory window
Added a better feedback when dragging tabs out of the Index Tree to open as separate window to give better indication that it is possible
Added a selection highlight on tabs that have active children, so that it is visible when the parent tab is collapsed
Inventory in Neocom
Added a new group in the EVE Menu called Inventory that has icons with direct access to certain Inventories and can be moved by players to the root of the Neocom for easy access.
Ship hangar and Item hangar are now available in the Neocom when accessible
Corporate hangar is now available in the Neocom when accessible
A new icon was created for direct access to Active Ship
Moved the Assets icon from the EVE Menu root to the Inventory group
Users can move ships to Item hangar and items to Ship hangar and the items will get sorted automatically to the correct loaction. This applies to the icons in the Neocom, in the Index Tree as well as dragging directly to the content area of these inventories
Open inventory locations will stack under their unique icon in the Neocom root, if the user has moved those icons there
Feedback indicators
When moving items between inventories, the client will always assume the player wants to move the item and not give any error message regarding stacking if the item being moved is dragged on top of another item that it can not be stacked with
If the players wants to stack to stackable items together he will get a highlight effect feedback which indicates the items can be stacked together. The successful stacking will also give a different audio feedback than regular item movement like it previously did
Locked items will have a lock icon in the upper-right corner in thumbnail view as well as slight greyed out state of the icon image, making a distinction between items that are being moved using shortcuts
When I want to move items using shortcuts (Ctrl-X & Ctrl-V) the items I am moving will have a greyed out state that differs from locked items
Divisions and containers that are restricted to players have a restrictions icon behind their name to indicate that there is a restriction on them
The restrictions icons show a tooltip that explains the type of restriction, the icons are also color coded: No Access is displayed by a red icon and Limited Access is displayed by a yellow icon**.**
Users can still drop items into divisions and containers with no access.
Containers will be unlocked by default instead of locked
The server/client notification mechanism of inventory operations was extended to allow any container to utilize ‚batch processing‘ when moving items around.
The ‚batch‘ processing of items being moved or changing hands, which previously was only used in station hangars, corp offices and ship cargo bay, was extended to cover all container types and locations which can hold multiple items at the same time. This means that the client will receive only one notification per operation from the server instead of one notification per item changed for the types affected.
Optimized how bookmark objects are fetched from the server increasing their response time by order of magnitute
Optimized how the inventory loads up large Index Trees by not priming them until they are accessed
Optimized how large number of plastic wraps are loaded from the server
Added the ability to stack wrecks in the Index Tree when the Index Tree is expanded
Added the ability to open wrecks in a new window by default when the Index Tree is collapsed
Added audio feedback when opening wrecks and when looting from wrecks
Added feedback blink on cargo hold to indicate items being moved there when looting
Added wreck icons and names from Overview to the Index Tree for better overview of wrecks
Added distance indicators for wrecks and greyed out state for wrecks out of range
All items have now a chance of dropping as loot, regardless where in the ship they were located. Excluded are only ships in the ship maintenance bay.
Scroll bars
Unified all scroll bars in the client to one type regarding functionality and visual style
Scroll bars light up when used which applies to both dragging them and using the mouse scroll wheel
Scroll bars become active once the user hovers the area of their function which applies to both windows and tabs within windows
Compact View
Created a new window settings icon for Compact View which switches the window it is part of between Compact View and Normal View modes
Implemented a new type of Compact view for Inventory windows with a compact Capacity meter
Corp Hangars
Corp hangars in ships have been converted to fleet hangars of the same size. All items in the corp hangars were moved to the fleet hangar.
It is now possible to give access to the fleet hangar and the ship maintenance bay separately to either corp member or fleet members (or both) through the inventory interface.
The settings for opening the fleet hangar or the ship maintenance bay are now saved per ship on the server. Don't forget to check the settings, if you boarded a carrier from a different pilot!
The fitting service of a ship maintenance bay is now always available to fleet and corp members, without restriction on concurrent users.
Containers in the fleet hangar can now be opened and interacted with by the pilot of the ship in space. Fleet or corp members with access to the fleet hangar can drop items into containers, but they are unable to open or remove the container.
It is no longer possible to jettison unassembled ships from the cargo hold.
The setting on audit log containers for auto-locking items is now stored per container on the server. This was stored on the client before and the default has be changed to "unlocked".
It is now possible to put items into freight containers, while being in space.
It is now possible to rename containers in your cargo hold or fleet hangar.
The limit of 1000 items per container is now enforced more strictly and includes all kind of hangars, containers, cargo holds and structures. The limit for corp hangar divisions in stations was increased to 1500 items.
Mission and belt NPCs have been given an AI upgrade. Please see this devblog for details.
Rogue Drone space now has Hauler NPCs.
4 Rogue Drone Commanders added to Rogue Drone Space.
Salvage on Rogue Drones has been slightly buffed.
5 New Rogue Drone Officer modules added (Drone Control Unit, Drone Navigation Computer, Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Drone Link Augmentor & Drone Damage Amplifier).
Guristas Fleet Stronghold & Guristas Fleet Outpost now do Kinetic damage with its citadel Torpedo. Blood Raider Central Bastion now does EM damage with its citadel torpedo.
NPC tracking disruptors should now show up on the effects bar
Target-painting NPCs should now have the proper visual effect
Downtime can no longer be exploited to increase chances of finding a rare NPC spawn.
The following ships have had their textures and geometry remodeled to look more awesome:
The following ship classes have been transformed into beautiful V3 versions!
Tournament ships
ORE ships
SOCT ships
Sansha ships
Fighter bombers
All T3 ships
84 new explosions have been added for every player or NPC ship from frigates to Titans
The light levels have been increased in the 3d preview, fitting screen and the hangar views.
Market & Contracts
Many of these market changes can be read about in this dev blog://
The following categories on the market have been broken down into sub-categories for each damage type:
Ship Equipment/Hull & Armor/Resistance Platting
Ship Equipment/Hull & Armor/Energized Plating
Ship Equipment/Hull & Armor/Armor Hardeners
Ship Equipment/Shield/Shield Hardeners
Ship Equipment/Shield/Resistance Amplifiers
Ship Equipment/Hull & Armor/Armor Plates has been broken down into one sub-category per plate size.
Ship Equipment/Fleet Assistance Modules has been broken down into sub-categories for easier browsing.
Removed the ORE sub-category from the Exhumers and Mining Barge categories as there are no other options.
Added the new Rouge Drone officer modules to the market.
Added the following market categories:
Ship Equipment/Hull & Armor/Layered Plating
Ship Equipment/Hull & Armor/Energized Armor Layering
Blueprints/Drones/Combat Utility Drones
Renamed the Remote Sensor Dampers market group to Remote Sensor Dampeners
Added the following items to the market:
Guristas Shuttle and Goru’s Shuttle under Ships/Shuttles/Faction Shuttles.
As an added bonus the Guristas Shuttle now has a Guristas skin for more added awesome.
Quafe Zero has been added to the market under Implants & Boosters/Boosters.
All faction control towers and starbase modules have been added to the market.
We also expanded the faction sub-category filtering to the Starbase section of the market.
Reorganized the Subsystems section of the market and added fancy new icons for each racial subsystem category.
As a general rule the Blueprints section of the market should now match the rest of the market. So if you know where to find something on the market, if you just start in Blueprints first it should be under the same section.
Outpost construction platforms are now on the market.
Faction towers can now be found in the market.
Faction drones have been added to the market.
Also added the fancy faction filter to the drones section of the market.
Subsystems are now arranged by race first then type.
The market now has a new "Special Edition Ships" category, for limited special edition ships, to prevent clutter.
Market group Remote Sensor Dampers has been renamed to Remote Sensor Dampeners
User Interface
Combat shortcuts do not work with the effects bar where they will act on the closest aggressor. When targeting using the combat short cut it will target the closest available aggressor that is not already targeted or being targeted.
Control-up in chat should now function in a more consistent manner
"Pilot is an outlaw" in the overview settings has been renamed "Pilot has a security status below -5"
"Pilot has a security status below 0" has had its tag and background disabled by default
The highlight frame for UI elements such as a text entry field has been toned down slightly from the bright white it used to be.
We've given a bit of facelift to expandable menus (for example used in the fitting window and new bounty office) and the drop down boxes, so they look nicer now than they did before
The text in the Overview Settings for "Pilot is in your Militia" has been clarified now that this icon is applied to allied militia also.
Reintroduced the functionality of items and ships automatically sorting into their corresponding folders when moving a mixed group of them into the Items Hangar or Ships Hangar.
Clicking the "Loot All" button will always close the wreck or cargo container, even if it is empty.
Inventory window minimum width is now determined by the width of the Index tree. The maximum tree width is now the maximum Inventory window width.
We have fixed an issue where the Kill Report would not properly differentiate between BPO's and BPC's. We now show:
The correct copy/original icon for blueprints
The text (copy) or (original) behind the blueprint name to show which it is (like in the contracts)
Wrecks are looted in order from down up in the Inventory window.
EVE Voice, Mail & Chat
The channel configuration window is no longer blocking other UI elements and it is also possible to drag objects into the MOTD field to create links.
Corporations now have Kill Reports accessible to all corporation members (no roles required.)
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
It is now possible to drop items into containers, which are located in a corporate hangar array (or similar structure). It is still not possible to open containers in corporate hangar arrays.
The forcefield password on your ship is now stored per character on the server.
The fitting service of a ship maintenance array is no longer restricted by concurrent users.
Oxygen and Water have been moved into the basic commodities group to make sorting consistent with other similar materials.
Fixed a grammatical issue in the pop up window when attempting to add a contact without setting standing.
Music & Audio
All turret sounds have been revamped with new and updated sounds effects.
The jukebox has been removed and replaced with a location-aware music system.
A soft ambient soundscape can now be heard when opening the ingame map
New sound indicators can be heard when you finish a skill or a mission
A low capacitor will result in an audible warning. The treshold for the warning is configurable.
Your own ship now emits ambient sounds when it is completely still, based on class and race of ship.
New stargate sounds have been added to give travel more variety.
The planet sounds, based on planet type, previously only audible in Planetary Interaction mode can now be heard when you are close to a particular planet.
Ship death explosion sounds have been revamped to accompany the new graphical effects.
Character Creation and New Player Experience
All mentions of Loan Contracts in the Contracts tutorial have been removed as Loan Contracts are no longer present in EVE.
A graphical issue with the Women's Excursion pants has been fixed.
Some specific characters that still had female Achura bra issues have been fixed.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
Unpiloted ships are no longer kicked out of a password-restricted forcefield when their owner logs in.
Changed the industry prerequisite on the Amarr Prospector Basic certificate from 4 to 3 to bring it in line with the other races.
Changed level requirements for skills in the racial Industry Engineer certificates to be uniform across all four races.
The Covert Ops skill will now correctly apply its damage bonuses to the bombs that you launch.
The Astronautics Engineering skill description has been changed to indicate to new players that the skill is no longer in use.
Fixed a formatting text error in the "Long Distance Jamming" skill description.
Fixed a problem with the Freki that would allow you to fit three rigs instead of two. (Note you were unable to operate the ship after doing this)
The Malice Energy Vampire bonuses are now properly working. (Clarification: The Energy Neutralizer bonus worked already correctly)
The certificate for the following ships have been changed to better reflect their new balanced roles; Bantam, Breacher, Burst, Crucifier, Heron, Imicus, Inquisitor, Magnate, Maulus, Navitas, Probe, Tristan and Vigil.
Changed "mining foreman warfare links" to "mining foreman links" in Orca description.
The Ares Tracking bonus has been properly fixed from 7% to 7.5% per level
A grammatical error in the description of the Retriever has been fixed.
Bombers, Black Ops, Covert Ops, Blockade Runners and T3 Cloak subsystems descriptions have been modified to mention they reduce Cloaking Device re-activation time
Gas can now be moved into the Ore Hold of a mining ship.
User Interface
Fitting screen: The display of available and used turret and launcher hardpoints has been improved to avoid confusion.
The "x" icon is various search fields is no longer overlapping long entries.
With the Control Tower Manger window, sorting structures by the state will now sort correctly.
Moving multiple items between containers (or pressing the "Loot" button) moves item stacks with a small volume first to increase the number of moved stacks before running out of cargo space.
When buying an item or placing a buy order in the Market Groups tab it will no longer refresh and flip back to the top of the page.
The names of scooped corpses are now displayed in all inventory locations
The message displayed when attempting to make active a ship or fit a module you do not have skills for will now list the level of the skills required to operate that ship or module.
The UI allocated for displaying Certificate descriptions has been increased
Resolved a slight disparity in Onlining Modules through the fitting window by right clicking the module.
Fixed an issue where the image of the ship from the Fitting window would stay on screen as it was being minimized.
Improved the picking of links for long station names in agent conversations.
Expanded folders in the tree view now remember their state (collapsed or expanded) when the tree is refreshed. In addition the Index tree will remain on the location of the tree of the selected folder, after a refresh. Note: a refresh occurs when a folder location is added or removed.
Fixed an issue where courier contract wraps would not display correctly in the Index tree of the Inventory.
Ancillary Shield Boosters will now show their shield boost rates in the Fitting Window.
Changed the certificate for the Tormentor from "Resource Harvester" to "Frigate Energy Turrets", in line with the ships rebalancing.
The Inventory Index will no longer change width based on the size of the Inventory window.
All corporate divisions in a station will now persist their size, stack and position settings. Stacked divisions will order numerically from lowest to highest. Division settings are saved on a per office basis.
Fixed an issue with the mouse sticking to UI operation (like resizing windows) after alt-tabbing out and back.
An issue affecting the sorting of some columns in the Compare tool has been resolved
Fixed an issue where a user could open a duplicate of their ship cargo Inventory when attempting to access POS out of range.
Fitting Cap Booster charges should now work correctly when dragging to either the 3D ship portrait or the module.
When adding someone to the Contact Watchlist, if they are online you will immediately see the Green online icon in Chat channels or a Station guest list.
Fitting Management - Fittings are now ordered by name alphabetically
The "Travel To" fleet broadcast option for station locations has been fixed.
The right mouse button can no longer be used in auto complete drop downs to avoid interacting accidentally with other UI elements.
"Scoop to Cargo Hold" is no longer available when creating a contract and right clicking a container.
Fixed an issue where the green highlight in the Inventory, indicating current active ship, would not update when changing ships.
Linking decorations (medals or certificates) in chat or notepad no longer opens a blank window
Switching from the Combat Log to the Skills page in Character Sheet should now work correctly.
Fixed an issue where the blink on a chat channel would be removed on joining or leaving another different channel.
Fixed an issue where the scroll would stop working for the Votes tab within the Corporation window.
There are no longer two entries of 'Regional Average' in the advanced sell window
The fleet Drone Window (Guard/Assist) is now sorted correctly in alphabetical order.
The number of jumps displayed in the map when setting the end destination to a station is now correct.
Fixed an issue where the scroll of the Corp Blueprints tab of the Science & Industry window, when near a POS would stop working.
An issue has been resolved that caused module tooltips from displaying on deactivating modules
An issue that stopped Market items that contain quotation marks in their names from Exporting to File correctly has been resolved
The progress bar for skill training (under the character portrait on the Neocom) now accurately reflects how long left for the skill to complete.
Performance for the market window improved when using the "Filter by skills" setting.
Setting the destination of the Autopilot via the Science & Industry window will now set the destination to the station the job is in.
Fixed a spacing issue when putting a Territorial Claim Unit online.
Items within a container that were destroyed during a kill will now be listed and displayed in the Kill Report for that player.
Resolved an issue in the Fitting Window where you could group a single module with itself.
When using the Fitting Management window, the ship portraits will now correctly have their Tech Icons in the top left corner.
Can now correctly use "Jump through stargate" option on the last jump when the destination is a station.
Fixed an issue where the Inventory could be opened before logging into the game proper.
Fixed an issue where in rare instances not all corporation hangars would load up for a player when docking at their HQ.
Corporation names should appear in correct case and no longer all upper case.
You can no longer access the Market in a station in a Factional Warfare system that does not belong to your faction or your factions ally.
Opening the Ship Maintenance Bay or Fleet hangar via the right click menu will no longer append these as closeable windows in the Index tree of the Inventory, but instead expand the correct bay of the ship.
Fixed an issue where the drop down fields when editing filters was incorrect.
Corrected an issue where the intensity of the green highlight on active ship would increase when scrolling through the Inventory.
Fixed an issue where Fleet Hangars out of range would not gray out correctly in the Inventory tree view.
Player Owned Structures that are out of range will now correctly gray out in the Index tree of the Inventory.
Fixed an issue where attempting to access locked containers would open up the Inventory of your active ship instead.
Fixed an Inventory issue where the current active ships cargo would open instead of a wreck when overshooting it.
The alignment for the DUST 514 district contribution in Factional Warfare systems now correctly aligns with the System Capture Status bar.
The alignment of the DUST514 contribution icon has been fixed. The description text has also been rewritten and formatted for clarity.
The bracket icon for beacons no longer disappears when zoomed in
Show Info on a skill drag & dropped into chat now functions as expected
The Access Storage option is now available for Player Owned Structures that are anchored but not online.
Double clicking on your active ship in the scene while warping will now open or close the ships cargo.
Fixed an issue where a variable amount of time would expand the child folders in the Inventory Index tree when hovering an item over it.
The wallet will now correctly hide cents in the Journal if the setting is applied.
When resizing an Inventory window selected items will no longer become deselected.
Fixed how elements on icons (Faction, Tech level) could become offset when changing active ship.
Resizing the Index tree in the Inventory is now consistent with other windows in the game.
The "Non-Empty Container!" pop up, for example when creating a courier contract with contents in containers, has been made suppressible.
Dragging a mix of Ships and Items into the Items or Ships hangar will now logically move the correct items into the correct folders. Only the folder you dragged items into will blink. This also works for the Neocom.
Fixed an issue where the opacity of items would change after they had been selected.
Removed duplicate entries in the Ctrl-Tab menu caused by stacked windows
Improved the Inventory Performance when assembling ships in rapid succession.
The Drone Bay is now available from the contextual menu when clicking on your own ship in space.
An Access Denied message will now correctly display when attempting to open a container you do not have access rights for.
The capacity bar for containers in Corporate Divisions will now display the volume used correctly.
Opening multiple containers via the right click menu will now work correctly and open them in a secondary window. If no more than one window is selected and shift is not clicked or the "Always open in separate window" option is not enabled, then the window being used is the one the container will open up in.
Fixed an issue where right click menus would not function correctly on some Mac OS versons
Icon positions will now refresh correctly when switching between different view modes and resizing the Inventory window.
Attempting to view corporate members ship bays via Member hangars now results in the correct message and will not instead jump to the users own ship cargo.
The UI allocated for displaying Certificate descriptions has been increased
An issue affecting the sorting of some columns in the Compare tool has been resolved
Show Info on a skill which has been dragged & dropped into chat now functions as expected
The UI allocated for displaying Certificate descriptions has been increased
There are no longer two entries of 'Regional Average' in the Advanced Sell window
An issue has been resolved that caused module tooltips from displaying on deactivating modules
The bracket icon for beacons no longer disappears when zoomed in
An issue affecting the sorting of some columns in the Compare tool has been resolved
An issue that stopped Market items that contain quotation marks in their names from exporting to file correctly has been resolved
Show Info on a skill which has been dragged & dropped into chat now functions as expected
Linking decorations (medals or certificates) in chat or notepad no longer opens a blank window
The Shadow Serpentis Reactor Control Unit has had it's stats adjusted to better reflect it's Meta Level.
Stacking penalty notification from all 'Armor Layering Membrane' modules has now been removed. These modules have never been stacking penalized.
Used Laser or Mining crystals will now always be loaded instead of unused crystals.
Protected against a very rare case where ice harvesting would not return the correct amount of ice back to your ship.
The Reactive Armor Hardener now states in the description that it uses a zero-sum system that spreads 60% resistance across the four resistances.
Some named and faction smartbombs had incorrect meta levels. This has now been fixed.
Boosters and Implants
Fixed incorrect name for shield booster side-effect being shown as a bonus instead of a penalty in the Synth, Standard, Improved and Strong Mindflood Boosters
The descriptions on all "Inherent Implants 'Noble' Repair Systems" and "Inherent Implants 'Noble' Repair Proficiency" have been clarified to explain that they do not affect the effectiveness of remote repair.
The "Inherent Implants 'Noble' Hull Upgrades HG-1008" has had it's text corrected to state the actual bonus it provides.
The "Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-702" now has the bonus applied correctly.
Weapons & Ammunition
Trajectory issues for the Citadel Cruise and Torpedoes have been fixed and missiles now fly slightly closer to the intended range.
The meta level has been corrected for, "Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile" from 3 to 2 and "Dread Guristas Inferno Light Missile" from 2 to 3, to bring them inline with other missiles of the same type.
Market & Contracts
The courier message when creating a contract with illegal items has been modified for clarity.
Items will no longer stay locked after opening several sell windows.
The location quicklist for searching contracts is now correctly displaying the last five locations.
Tracking Disruption on NPCs now properly affect turret falloff on targeted player vessels
Fixed a rare issue when an NPC wreck that only contained a BPC would show up as empty in the overview/space.
Fixed name of an NPC logo from “Imperial Constructions” to “Amarr Constructions”
Corporation & Alliance
It is now possible to deliver items from the delivery hangar to corp members.
Wars: Fixed an issue where offering assistance to two separate entities who are at war with the same aggressor would fail one of them if the other was accepted.
It is no longer possible to kick a corp member who owns all corp shares without a vote
Improved the algorithm used to calculate war declaration fees
Agents & Missions
Fixed an issue where completing the Level 5 mission Reclamation was sometimes not possible due to not being able to inflict damage on the colonies.
Items being moved between containers inside corp hangars now cause their respective inventory windows to update.
Fixed an incorrect attribute on the "Hybrid Slaver Hound", that was causing incorrect information to be displayed in the Show Info for this item.
Increased the volumes from none to 0.01 m3 for "Nanite Interfacing" and "Nanite Operation" in line with other skills of this type.
Issue fixed where the corporation hangar in the inventory would break if there was a secure container in a division and character did not have take rights to the division.
Salvaging a wreck with packed ships inside is now using the correct volumes for deciding if the wreck can be salvaged at all.
Refactored the code for secure containers.
Fixed a grammatical error in the description text for the "Ammatar Consulate" Corporation.
Fixed the text in the "'Mafia' Energized Kinetic Membrane I Blueprint" for the item it produces, to be correct.
When trying to offer a surrender on an already retracted war, you will receive the correct error message.
The description for exhumers is now correctly referencing the skill "Exhumers"
The Ragnarok construction requirements have been adjusted to better reflect the actual ship. Capital Launcher Hardpoints are no longer required, however the Capital Turret Hardpoints have been increased to reflect this.
Ships will now automatically deactivate any outgoing locks when the pilot disconnects from the server
EVE Voice, Mail & Chat
URL autolinking in chat has been slightly improved.
Fixed an issue where a player could sometimes jump while their EW drones had a target engaged.
Drones (and especially fighters) are now avoiding friendly force-fields on their way to a target to avoid canceling the attack.
You can now stack packaged drones within a full drone bay while docked.
The Berserker TP-900 drone is now correctly listed in the market under the Electronic Warfare drone category.
Drone speed augmentor rigs will now affect mining and salvaging drones
Tracking Rigs were not properly stacking penalized with modules of the same type. This has now been fixed.
World Shaping
A large number of locations in space which had been affected by unexplained anomalies causing their position to be other than expected have now been updated and their locations resolved.
Localized Clients
Incorrect German translation in column "copy" in tabs "blueprints" and "corp blueprints" is now correctly worded as "Kopie".
The label "Index" for the Index tree in the Inventory has been localized.
For a war declaration, we are now stating if the date is tomorrow. Example: Started 2012.10.11 - Can fight at 13:20 (tomorrow)
Various linguistic changes and improvements have been made throughout the Russian, Japanese and German client.
Graphics General
A bug with the NPC turret shaders has been resolved.
Fixed a timing issue with gate-cloaks that could occasionally cause jumping ships to be semi-visible to others whilst still under gate-cloak
Some geometry gaps in female hair styles have been closed
Removed small white spots that sometimes appeared on CQ clothing items
Specular gradient on hair is now correctly aligned
The effect which is played when an Amarr outpost is reinforced will now be drawn on top of the station instead of perpendicular to the station.
Fixed an issue where a variant of the Tengu had missile launchers which touched the hull.
Tech 3 ships now have engine booster sound thanks to the V3 process.
The Amarr Armageddon Battleship and variants boosters are now relocated closer to geometry
We added thrusters and trails to Hawk and Harpy engines
Warping near a planet no longer displays the 'fly through' visual effect
Harbinger turrets now better fit ship geometry
The Firetail engine thruster locations moved closer to the ship
Reflection has been added to Caldari Shuttle cockpit
The Frigates (Atron, Executioner, Condor and Slasher) and all their tech2 variants now have their fourth high-slot turret locator visible on the ships hull.
Some Minmatar ships have had their decals replaced so that they match the ship manufacturer.
Some visible turret base geometry on Hurricane relocated
Fixed some leaking glow on the boosters of the cyclone
Zephyr sails are now lit from the correct sun direction
The Freki has now been V3d and is now sized with the Rifter
A small geometry gap in the Tornado was repaired
The timing of the cloaking effect should not be more synchronous between the person cloaking and a person watching them cloak.
The Bustard engine booster was moved in line with the geometry
All Huginn engine boosters are now visible/active
Missiles fired from the 'DED Army General' will no longer originate from the center of the players' ships.
The Sentinel now shows the correct logo
The Hookbill, Hawk and Kitsune have been resized accordingly. Rocket Launchers now fit these ships correctly.
Visuals on cyno jump in & out can now be toggled on/off in the effects options
Resolved a UV texture error on the Loki Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration subsystem module.
Missing lights have been added to the Slasher and its Tech variants.
An issue with adaptive invulnerability effects on Mac hardware has been repaired
Turret locators on the Bantam have been fixed to remove gaps between the turrets and the ship hull.
Resolved random graphic anomalies with the outline on ship blueprints icons.
Fixed a gap between Cheetahs hull and its turret locators.
Hookbill decals are now placed correctly
The sails on the Hound are now transparent.
Resolved a bug that would cause planet texture(s) to load in a system even if the planet was not in view.
Dungeon clouds should no longer intersect with solid geometry and should render faster.
Numerous objects have been optimized for rendering performance:
On-ship effects
And more
When right clicking and selecting to open a bay beside the cargohold on a newly assembled ship the Inventory will no longer go to the Items Hangar instead.