The Fanfest 2011 website is now live!
We are pleased to announce that the official Fanfest 2011 website has been opened to the public. Taking place on March 24 through March 26, 2011 at the Laugardalshöll Convention Center in Reykjavik, Iceland, Fanfest is a grand celebration of EVE Online.
The next Fanfest will feature many exciting activities for the players, including traditional Community Team events, the annual PVP Tournament, revamped Pub crawl with a Dev, numerous developer presentations on the future of EVE, the brand new Sisters of EVE program and the Party at the top of the World - the biggest party in Iceland!
As was the case last year, the attendees will be able to pay for Fanfest and Spouse Access Passes with PLEX using our simple and convenient redeeming system. Fanfest tickets will be available for purchase in the nearest future, and information on IcelandAir packages will be published at a later time.