EVE Fanfest 2023 is sold out! | EVE Online

EVE Fanfest 2023 is sold out!

2023-08-17 - 发布者 EVE Online Team

Fanfestive capsuleers,

We are excited to announce that EVE Fanfest 2023 is now sold out, with a record number of tickets sold, and is poised to exceed all previous iterations in terms of scope, number of capsuleers and sheer fun! This will be a great pinnacle of the 20 year anniversary celebration, and an explosive start to the third decade in New Eden. Laugardalshöll Arena will be brimming with capsuleers from all over the world and to ensure the optimal experience we have doubled the size of the event area, creating additional room for space friends and enemies to meet, hang out and socialize. But fear not, if you are not able to join EVE Fanfest on site this year, make sure to join us on CCPTV for the live streams on Friday 22 September and Saturday 23 September starting at 9:45 AM UCT.

The Making of EVE Online - An Escapist Documentary

One of the extra events at this year’s EVE Fanfest will be the premiere of The Making of EVE Online, a brand-new documentary made by the Escapist, on Thursday 21 September. The film provides a never-before-seen look into the evolution of the game over the past two decades and is a must-see for any capsuleer.

The premiere screening of the documentary will take place in Bíó Paradís, a cozy movie theater in the heart of Reykjavik where you can purchase drinks (including beer and wine) and snacks to enjoy before and during the show. This screening will include a Q&A session, with guests from the Escapist and CCP, and the theater experience will provide the optimal atmosphere to enjoy the documentary with your fellow capsuleers. Tickets to the screening are available now, and are very limited, so be sure to secure your seat.

Fanfest attendees who are unable to join the premiere will also get an opportunity to watch the film, as there are two free screenings on Thursday morning in a different setting. However, seats are limited, and guests will be admitted on a first come, first served basis.

We can’t wait to share this cinematic experience with you, as well as all the other exciting events EVE Fanfest 2023 has in store. See you there, capsuleer!

Secure your movie ticket now