Season Of Skills - Bonus Skill Point Week Is Here! | EVE Online

Season Of Skills - Bonus Skill Point Week Is Here!

2019-07-17 - 发布者 CCP Falcon

We're super happy to announce that as of downtime today, a bonus skill point week has kicked off as part of the Season of Skills!

Log in every day throughout bonus skill point week between July 17 and July 25 to claim additional unallocated skillpoints that you can use to boost your training queue.

As an Alpha pilot, you'll be able to claim up to 200,000 skill points over the course of seven days, and as an Omega there's up to a massive 650,000 skill points up for grabs.

In addition to this, there's also standard and advanced cerebral accelerators that will speed up training times for a limited period.

How Do I Claim My Skillpoints?

In order to claim your skill points, all you need to do is log in to EVE and follow these simple instructions on the character selection screen:

  • Click "Claim All" at the bottom of the highlighted day in the Daily Login Campaigns window.
  • You will then receive a confirmation that you've claimed the day's skill points. You can click "Dismiss" on this.
  • You'll now see a "Redeemable Items" bar at the bottom of the screen, click it to expand it.
  • Your skill points are right there, simpy drag and drop them on the character you'd like to use them on.
  • As you drag and drop the skill points, you'll receive a confirmation that tells you the skillpoints have been delivered to your character's unallocated skill point queue.

Congratulations, you've claimed your skillpoints for the day and can log into your character to apply them to your skill queue!

Useful Event Information

Here's a few clarifications for bonus skill point events:

  • Pilots can claim one rewards (consisting of both one Alpha and one Omega reward depending on clone status) per day.
  • New Eden counts days from downtime to downtime. Rewards refresh at 11:00 UTC each day.
  • The day one reward is the first that a player can claim, regardless of which day of the event they claim it on. They then claim the day two reward the next day, and so on.
  • One set of rewards is available for every account in game.
  • One set of rewards is only available for Omega accounts - claiming this reward gives both the Alpha and Omega reward for that day.
  • Should an Alpha account upgrade to omega at any point during the event, they will recieve all Omega rewards retroactively for the days that they have claimed in the event so far.