Valklear Glory Designer Skins Now Available! | EVE Online

Valklear Glory Designer Skins Now Available!

2015-09-01 - By CCP Falcon

We are happy to announce that the second batch of designer SKINs have been deployed to the New Eden Store today!

This batch, called "Valklear Glory", are designed by Asgeir Huskarl, and cover all Minmatar Hulls except for Navy ships and Industrials for a total of 40 new SKINs.

These SKINs are now on sale in the New Eden Store, and are also available in six different bundles at discount prices.

You can read more about designer SKINs in this dev blog by CCP Legion, and check out the images below for previews of how they look in game.

Also, please be aware the sale for SKINs for the Dominix and Sin will end tomorrow, September 2nd, at downtime. Be sure to get hold of your favorite color scheme for the war potato before discounted sales come to an end!